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College Chemistry Questions

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College Matter
What is matter?
  1. anything that chemists use
  2. a liquid with interesting properties
  3. used as rocket fuel
  4. anything that has a specific volume
  5. anything that has mass and takes up space
College Biochemical Pathways
During cellular respiration, oxygen
  1. delivers electrons to the destination known as the citric acid cycle.
  2. is chemically converted to ATP.
  3. delivers its electrons to the electron transport chain.
  4. is reduce to NADP+.
  5. acts the final electron acceptor.
College Matter
College Biochemical Pathways
1. One of the most abundant proteins on Earth, aids in carbon fixation
2. The enzyme for one of the earliest steps in glycolysis, is highly regulated in mammals
  2. FAD, FADH2
  3. Phosphofructokinase, ATP synthase
  4. Rubisco, ATP synthase
  5. Rubisco, Phosphofructokinase
College Macromolecules
Select all those that are properties of a protein.
  1. The monomer an amino acid
  2. Among proteins functions are structure, defense, and breakdown of particles.
  3. Proteins act as catalysts.
  4. Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds.
  5. A long chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide.
College Acids and Bases
College Acids and Bases
A solution with a pH value of 7 indicates a(n):
  1. volatile solution
  2. alkaline solution
  3. neutral solution
  4. acidic solution
College Atomic Structure
Compared with [math]""^31"P"[/math], the radioactive isotope [math]""^32"P"[/math] has
  1. a different atomic number
  2. one more proton
  3. one more electron
  4. one more neutron
College Acids and Bases
A substance that has a pH above 7.0 is considered to be a(n):
  1. neutral solution
  2. acid solution
  3. alkali solution
  4. reducing solution
College Properties of Matter
Given the phase diagram, which of the following indicates the point at which solid and liquid exist at the same vapor pressure?
Phase Diagram
  1. The critical point
  2. The critical temperature
  3. The triple point
  4. The critical pressure
College Properties of Matter
The cubic meter is a measure of:
  1. volume
  2. density
  3. pressure
  4. acceleration
  5. concentration
College Macromolecules
The primary elements forming biomolecules include                                .
  1. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
  2. Nitrogen, Potassium and Lithium
  3. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Silicon
  4. Calcium, Chlorine and Boron
College Biochemical Pathways
What are the products of glycolysis? Select all that apply.
  1. 2 ATP/glucose molecule
  2. NADPH
  3. NAD+
  4. 2 pyruvic acids
  5. FADH2
College Quantum Physics and the Atom
Which combination of n, l, and [math]m_l[/math] values could represent the orbital shown?
Single-Electron Orbitals - P₋₁
  1. n=2, l=0, [math]m_l[/math]=0
  2. n=2, l=1, [math]m_l=-1[/math]
  3. n=2, l=1, [math]m_l=0[/math]
  4. n=2, l=1, [math]m_l=1[/math]
College Properties of Matter
What units are used to measure density?
  1. cubic meter
  2. grams per centimeter cubed
  3. pascal
  4. meters per second per second
  5. mole per liter
College Quantum Physics and the Atom
Which of the following d-orbitals has the structure shown? (Ignore the label shown in the diagram.)
Single-Electron Orbitals - D₀
  1. [math]d_{xz}[/math]
  2. [math]d_{x^2 - y^2}[/math]
  3. [math]d_{z^2}[/math]
  4. [math]d_{xy}[/math]
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