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College Atomic Structure Questions

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College Atomic Structure
Compared with [math]""^31"P"[/math], the radioactive isotope [math]""^32"P"[/math] has
  1. a different atomic number
  2. one more proton
  3. one more electron
  4. one more neutron
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
What is the region around the nucleus of the atom where electrons are found?
  1. orbitals
  2. electron shells
  3. valence electrons
  4. dalton
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following describes the properties of an electron?
  1. it changes the charge of the atom
  2. it has a negative charge
  3. it determines the atom's reactivity
  4. All of the above
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following is an ion?
  1. [math] Na^- [/math]
  2. Cl
  3. [math] Hg^+ [/math]
  4. K
  5. A & C
  6. B & D
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following leads to a photon of definite wavelength being emitted?
  1. Non-Excited Electrons moving from lower to higher states
  2. Excited electrons moving from lower to higher states
  3. Non-Excited Electrons moving from higher to lower states
  4. Excited electrons moving from higher to lower states
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following contains all wavelengths of light?
  1. continuous spectra
  2. bright-line spectra
  3. discrete spectra
  4. (b) and (c)
College Atomic Structure
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following correctly describes the shape of p orbitals?
  1. spherical
  2. dumbbells with a ring
  3. lobes
  4. rings
College Atomic Structure
Which of the following equations most closely relates to the specific colors shown in bright-line hydrogen spectra?
  1. [math]∆E=hf[/math]
  2. [math]∆E=mc^2[/math]
  3. [math]∆E={hc}/{lambda}[/math]
  4. None of the above
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