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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Scientific Methods and Applications Questions

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Grade 11 Scientific Method
The part of an investigation that remains the same is the
  1. uncontrolled variable.
  2. independent variable.
  3. dependent variable.
  4. control variable.
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Which is not a step of the scientific method?
  1. define a problem
  2. ask a question
  3. make a graph to explain data
  4. form a hypothesis
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Grade 11 Scientific Method
In an experiment, the factor that is measured (the result) is the                     .
  1. conclusion
  2. controlled variable
  3. independent variable
  4. dependent variable
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Scientists usually state the problem as a
  1. solution.
  2. question.
  3. hypothesis.
  4. graph.
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Grade 11 Scientific Methods and Applications
Grade 11 Scientific Method
Grade 11 Scientific Methods and Applications
Grade 11 Scientific Method
A suggested explanation for an observation is a(n)                     .
  1. independent variable
  2. constant
  3. hypothesis
  4. dependent variable
Grade 11 Lab Practices and Tools
What is the most important thing to do before starting a lab?
  1. Put on goggles.
  2. Pick up your materials from the lab cart.
  3. Read the entire lab.
  4. Put on your lab apron.
Grade 11 Lab Practices and Tools
When working in the laboratory setting, the abbreviation STP refers to                                         .
  1. an additive for oil and other lubricants
  2. starting time and position
  3. standard temperature and pressure
  4. standard testing protocol
Grade 11 Lab Practices and Tools
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