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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Earth Science Questions

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Grade 11 Atmosphere
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Why are fossil fuels are considered as nonrenewable resources?
  1. Fossil fuels are broken down by processes faster than they form.
  2. We are depleting fossil fuel much faster than they form.
  3. The fossil fuels being formed today are deep under the ocean, where they cannot be reached.
  4. The only fossil fuels being produced are methane hydrates, which we cannot use yet.
Grade 11 Earth's Layers
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Which of the following is almost certain to happen as our Earth's climate changes?
  1. The Moon will increase its gravitational pull.
  2. Humans will run out of fossil fuels to use.
  3. The ocean will dry out.
  4. Average global temperatures will rise.
Grade 11 Earth's Layers
Grade 11 Earth's Layers
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Which of the following human actions would cause environmental change?
  1. hunting
  2. growing food
  3. settling in communities
  4. all of the above
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Grade 11 Environmental Science
Which of the following statements provides a reason for the widespread use of fossil fuels?
  1. Fossil fuels are a renewable source of energy.
  2. Fossil fuels are readily available and inexpensive.
  3. Fossil fuels are not harmful to the environment.
  4. Fossil fuels are distributed evenly around Earth.
Grade 11 Earth's Layers
What is the core made of?
  1. Iron
  2. Aluminum
  3. Steel
  4. Iron and Nickel
  5. Both a and c
Grade 11 Environmental Science
A population's age structure is represented by a                     .
  1. total fertility rate
  2. migration rate
  3. population pyramid
  4. survivorship curve
Grade 11 Historical Geology
About how long ago was Earth formed?
  1. 4.5 million years
  2. 45 million years
  3. 4.5 billion years
Grade 11 Environmental Science
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