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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Earth Science Questions

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Grade 10 Earth's Layers
Grade 10 Earth's Layers
Grade 10 Tectonics
The fact that widely separated continents have similar fossils, similar mineral deposits, and similar rock formations tells scientists that these continents                                                         .
  1. probably formed at the same time in the same hemisphere.
  2. probably were connected in the past.
  3. probably were never connected in the past.
  4. will have the same four seasons at the same time.
Grade 10 Environmental Science
Wind, moving water, sunlight, and heat from Earth's interior are sources of
  1. alternative energy.
  2. geothermal energy.
  3. renewable energy.
  4. ocean thermal energy.
Grade 10 Tectonics
This theory states that Earth's crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into enormous slabs which move in different directions.
  1. tectonic plate theory
  2. seafloor spreading theory
  3. the theory of Pangaea
  4. the floating Earth theory
Grade 10 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 10 Tectonics
Grade 10 Environmental Science
The state in which a human population can survive indefinitely is called
  1. sustainability.
  2. loss of biodiversity.
  3. renewable resource.
  4. biodiversity.
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Environmental Science
The study of how humans interact with the environment is called
  1. environmental science.
  2. ecology.
  3. agriculture.
  4. biology.
Grade 10 Tectonics
Places where tectonic plates move apart are called
  1. convergent boundaries.
  2. transform boundaries.
  3. subduction zones.
  4. divergent boundaries.
Grade 10 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Environmental Science
Most air pollution comes from                     .
  1. natural sources
  2. burning fossil fuels
  3. fires
  4. paint
Grade 10 Tectonics
Grade 10 Tectonics
What causes tectonic plates to move?
  1. radiation from within the crust
  2. magnetic forces from the inner core
  3. convection currents in the mantle
  4. slow continental drift
Grade 10 Earth's Layers
Earth's core is primarily composed of                   .
  1. granite and marble
  2. iron and copper
  3. nickel and iron
  4. nickel and granite
Grade 10 Environmental Science
A renewable resource is a resource which
  1. can be readily made.
  2. has a limited amount.
  3. is naturally reoccurring.
  4. is never used.
Grade 10 Environmental Science
Polluted groundwater is difficult to clean up because
  1. groundwater is deep in the ground and dispersed through large areas of rock.
  2. pollutants cling to the materials that make up the aquifer and contaminate the clean water.
  3. the recycling process of groundwater can take hundreds or thousands of years.
  4. all of the above
Grade 10 Environmental Science
What is the increased temperature in a city called?
  1. heat island
  2. greenhouse effect
  3. hot air rise
  4. heat sprawl
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