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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Biology Questions

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Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Lysosomes in the cell work to                      .
  1. get rid of waste
  2. provide protein
  3. store all information
  4. transport materials
Grade 8 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
Grade 8 Circulatory and Immune Systems
Capillaries have thin walls that allow                                                           .
  1. oxygen and nutrients to flow out of the blood to the cells
  2. blood to flow in very narrow places
  3. cuts to heal quickly
  4. blood to stop flowing if needed
Grade 8 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 8 Development and Reproduction
A type of reproduction that requires two parents is                     .
  1. budding
  2. sexual reproduction
  3. simple division
  4. asexual reproduction
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Neurons are cells that                                         .
  1. give, receive, and handle information
  2. help your body to grow physically larger
  3. you do not have when you are first born
  4. only exist in your lungs
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
What is the purpose of a food chain?
  1. shows what organisms eat which foods
  2. shows the importance of the Sun's energy
  3. depicts the predator/prey relationships between organisms
  4. shows the transfer of energy between trophic levels
Grade 8 Biochemical Pathways
In what process do cells obtain energy from sugar molecules?
  1. photosynthesis
  2. nitrogen cycle
  3. respiration
  4. food chains
Grade 8 Human Reproduction
Which sex cell is produced in males?
  1. egg
  2. ovary
  3. testis
  4. sperm
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
What structure in a plant cell enables the cell to capture energy from the Sun?
  1. cell wall
  2. chloroplast
  3. mitochondrion
  4. central vacuole
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
What is the function of the part represented by C in the cell shown?
Animal Cell
  1. builds proteins
  2. supports cell shape
  3. controls cell activities
  4. releases energy from food
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