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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Zoology Questions

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Grade 8 Zoology
How do homing pigeons use Earth's magnetic field to find their way?
  1. They have natural magnets on their feet.
  2. They utilize GPS technology.
  3. They pick up bits of magnetic material on their wings.
  4. They have natural magnets in their brains.
Grade 8 Zoology
Grade 8 Zoology
Grade 8 Zoology
The purpose of a baleen whale's baleen plates are to                                       .
  1. convert water to oxygen
  2. filter food from water
  3. locate objects by emitting sound waves
  4. keep its body temperature stable
Grade 8 Zoology
What is a pod?
  1. A horizontal lobe on the tale of a whale, dolphin, or porpoise.
  2. A series of small steps used in shaping behavior.
  3. A recessed hollow within a coral reef.
  4. A social group of whales or dolphins.
Grade 8 Zoology
What is countershading?
  1. an erratic form of swimming used by porpoises to evade prey
  2. a place on the ocean's surface where plankton is visibly darker than the surrounding water
  3. a genetic abnormality in which the colors on an animal are reversed
  4. a form of camouflage in which the dorsal (top) surface is darker than the ventral (under) surface
Grade 8 Zoology
To spyhop is                                                                         .
  1. to slap the tail flukes on the surface of the water
  2. to rise vertically out of the water so that the eye is above the surface
  3. to convey information between two marine animals
  4. to associate a new stimulus with a familiar one
Grade 8 Zoology
What distinctive species is native to Eastern Australian rain forests?
  1. monito del monte
  2. mesite
  3. blue-ringed octopus
  4. platypus
  5. tuatura
  6. kangaroo
Grade 8 Zoology
A reinforcer is
  1. a focal point that directs an animal toward a position or direction.
  2. the way an animal acts.
  3. a stimulus that strengthens a behavior.
  4. behavior that results from experience.
Grade 8 Zoology
Grade 8 Zoology
Grade 8 Zoology
Grade 8 Zoology
To preen is to
  1. strut in order to get the attention of the opposite sex.
  2. clean, arrange, and oil the feathers.
  3. display a dorsal fin above the water line.
  4. slap the surface of the water with a fluke.
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