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Second Grade (Grade 2) Zoology Questions

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Grade 2 Zoology
The biggest mammal is a(n)                .
  1. whale
  2. giraffe
  3. elephant
  4. cheetah
Grade 2 Zoology
A butterfly emerges from a(n)                .
  1. cocoon
  2. egg
  3. chrysalis
  4. cave
Grade 2 Zoology
Define adult.
  1. A newborn baby
  2. A full grown animal
  3. The dull part of an butterfly wing
Grade 2 Zoology
What do sunfish eat?
  1. jellyfish
  2. small fish
  3. sea weed
  4. anything
  5. algae
Grade 2 Zoology
Animals with backbones can be fish, birds,                , or amphibians.
  1. snails
  2. mammals
  3. reptiles
Grade 2 Zoology
Animals need shelter.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Zoology
Alligators live in                .
  1. trees
  2. wetlands
  3. deserts
Grade 2 Zoology
All bears are                .
  1. reptiles
  2. mammals
  3. dinosaurs
Grade 2 Zoology
Animals without backbones are different from each other. Beetles have hard                 to keep them safe, while jellyfish have no shell.
  1. spines
  2. stingers
  3. shells
Grade 2 Zoology
A salmon begins life as a(n)                .
  1. moth
  2. smolt
  3. joey
  4. egg
Grade 2 Zoology
Baby falcons are called                .
  1. feline
  2. eyus
  3. eyas
  4. birdy
  5. cheepers
Grade 2 Zoology
A baby dog is called a                .
  1. baby
  2. puppy
  3. whelp
  4. b and c
  5. a and b
Grade 2 Zoology
A baby bird is called a                .
  1. cheeper
  2. fledgling
  3. a and b
  4. chick
  5. a and d
Grade 2 Zoology
A mealworm changes into a                .
  1. caterpillar
  2. snake
  3. beetle
Grade 2 Zoology
Animals don't move from place to place to look for food.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Zoology
The insect has three main body parts. These body parts are the         head,                   thorax,           and           abdomen          .
Grade 2 Zoology
A trumpeter swan's baby is called a(n)                .
  1. alevin
  2. cygnet
  3. duckling
  4. chick
Grade 2 Zoology
The top male and female of a primate troop are called the         alpha         male and female.
Grade 2 Zoology
Which of the following ocean animal has blubber?
  1. corals
  2. crabs
  3. dolphin
  4. seahorse
Grade 2 Zoology
Bigger animals do not need more air, food, water, and room to grow than smaller animals.
  1. True
  2. False
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