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First Grade (Grade 1) Zoology Questions

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Grade 1 Zoology
Where do animals live?
  1. water
  2. land
  3. trees
  4. all the above
Grade 1 Zoology
When it hatches, a butterfly is a(n)                 or caterpillar.
  1. pupa
  2. egg
  3. larva
  4. butterfly
Grade 1 Zoology
When a butterfly is in a hard covering, it is a(n)                .
  1. pupa
  2. egg
  3. butterfly
Grade 1 Zoology
A fish has                .
  1. scales
  2. fur
  3. feathers
Grade 1 Zoology
Animals that feed their babies with milk, have a backbone, and have fur are called                .
  1. mammals
  2. amphibians
  3. fish
  4. reptiles
Grade 1 Zoology
A giraffe                    to reach the leaves on the tree.
  1. digs in the dirt
  2. shakes the tree
  3. stretches its neck
  4. asks a lion
Grade 1 Zoology
Which is an animal with three body parts and six legs?
  1. Insect
  2. Reptile
  3. Larva
Grade 1 Zoology
Animals that do not have a backbone are called                   .
  1. invertebrates
  2. life cycle
  3. vertebrates
  4. transporting water
Grade 1 Zoology
Caterpillars spin a                .
  1. web
  2. cocoon
  3. bubble
  4. string
Grade 1 Zoology
What are some examples of invertebrates?
  1. fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
  2. lizards
  3. earthworm, tapeworm, clam, sponge, crab
  4. none of the above
Grade 1 Zoology
Are all insects black?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Zoology
The largest type of penguin is the                 penguin.
  1. Yellow-eyed
  2. King
  3. Emperor
  4. Fairy
Grade 1 Zoology
When a butterfly is in a hard covering, it is a(n)                .
  1. pupa
  2. egg
  3. butterfly
  4. shell
Grade 1 Zoology
Do baby animals that hatch from eggs drink milk?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Zoology
Are all insects harmful?
  1. No
  2. Yes
Grade 1 Zoology
Animals come is different sizes, squirrels are         small         and elephants are      big      .
Grade 1 Zoology
All big cats have retractable claws except the                .
  1. cheetah
  2. lion
  3. tiger
Grade 1 Zoology
Birds use their                to find and eat food.
  1. snouts
  2. beaks
  3. ears
  4. nose
Grade 1 Zoology
A grasshopper is an                .
  1. amphibian
  2. insect
  3. egg
Grade 1 Zoology
Will a baby mouse grow up to be a bat?
  1. Yes
  2. No
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