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First Grade (Grade 1) Botany Questions

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Grade 1 Botany
What are the parts of a plant?
  1. roots
  2. leaves
  3. stem
  4. food storage
Grade 1 Botany
A plant's                 soak up water and nutrients from the soil.
  1. seeds
  2. roots
  3. fruits
  4. leaves
Grade 1 Botany
A small young plant is called a                .
  1. root
  2. seedling
  3. tree
  4. fruit
Grade 1 Botany
What part of the plant makes food for the plant?
  1. root
  2. leaves
  3. stem
Grade 1 Botany
Color each part of the flower the listed color. Write the letter that represents that part of the flower on the line.

     C      Stem - dark green

     B      Sepal - orange

     A      Petal - light green
Flower Diagram Simple
Grade 1 Botany
What is a baby plant called?
  1. Toddler
  2. Leaflet
  3. Seedling
Grade 1 Botany
Carrots are plant                .
  1. seeds
  2. roots
  3. stems
Grade 1 Botany
Can some plants be used as medicine?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Botany
Do plants help make air for the planet?
  1. No
  2. Yes
Grade 1 Botany
Plants and their parents can have the same                .
  1. leaf shape
  2. flower colors
  3. size
Grade 1 Botany
Asparagus is from the                .
  1. leaves
  2. stem
  3. seeds
Grade 1 Botany
Plants can be used as a medicine to treat patients.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Botany
What happens if a plant does not get enough water?           it dies          
Grade 1 Botany
When the seed is planted                 grow down.
  1. roots
  2. stems
  3. flowers
Grade 1 Botany
Which part of a plant takes in water from the soil?
  1. Stem
  2. Flower
  3. Roots
Grade 1 Botany
A                 is a young plant.
  1. seed
  2. seedling
  3. flower
Grade 1 Botany
The root is the one that makes food for a plant.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Botany
Which plant part pulls up water from the ground?
  1. stem
  2. flower
  3. root
Grade 1 Botany
The green parts of a plant are where the plant makes its                 food                 .
Grade 1 Botany
A plant's leaves are soaking up water and nutrients from the soil.
  1. True
  2. False
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