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First Grade (Grade 1) Ecology Questions

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Grade 1 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
A community and its physical environment together is a(n)                .
  1. population
  2. habitat
  3. ecosystem
  4. niche
Grade 1 Biomes
What is a grassland?
  1. a habitat with many trees
  2. a dry habitat with a lot of grass
  3. a habitat of water
Grade 1 Biomes
Different plants and animals live in different land habitats. A grassland and a                 are two of these land habitats.
  1. tree
  2. pond
  3. forest
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
The table shows what types of food three kinds of animals eat.

AnimalEat PlantsEat Animals

Which best describes what lions, skunks, and cows eat?
  1. Lions, skunks, and cows all eat plants.
  2. Lions, skunks, and cows all eat other animals.
  3. Lions, skunks, and cows all eat both plants and animals.
  4. Lions, skunks, and cows all eat different kinds of food.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Logan says all animals eat the same kinds of food. Does the table support what Logan says?
AnimalEat PlantsEat Animals
  1. Yes. The table shows that all animals eat the same kinds of food.
  2. No. The table shows that different animals eat different kinds of food.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
What is a carnivore?
  1. Plant Eater
  2. Meat Eater
  3. Both
Grade 1 Symbiosis
A predator is an animal that                .
  1. hunts animals
  2. goes swimming
  3. eats ice cream
  4. lays eggs
Grade 1 Biotic and Abiotic
What 3 things do living things need?
  1. soil, water, air
  2. air, land, water
  3. air, food, water
Grade 1 Biotic and Abiotic
Choose the best answer for NON-LIVING things.
  1. chair, baby, colored pencils
  2. table, chair, book
  3. water, people, cars
Grade 1 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Shelter is a place where animals live.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Biomes
Are there any trees, grass or flowers in Antarctica?
  1. Yes
  2. No
Grade 1 Biomes
The sea star lives in an         ocean         habitat.
Summer - Starfish - Small
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
At the beginning of every food chain is the                .
  1. Stars
  2. Plants
  3. Sun
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Is a lion a carnivore?
  1. Yes, it is.
  2. No, it eats grass and vegetables.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
What is a carnivore?
  1. An animal that eats meat.
  2. An animal that eats plants.
  3. An animal that eats both meat and plants.
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
A                 shows how energy passes through living things.
  1. plant
  2. food chain
  3. map
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
The second link in the food chain is animals that eat                .
  1. plants
  2. meat
  3. fruit
Grade 1 Biomes
A giraffe lives in what habitat?
  1. Grassland
  2. Forest
  3. Pond
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Plants are the first link in most food chains.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Are carnivores meat eaters?
  1. No, They like vegetables.
  2. Yes, they like meat.
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