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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Ecology Questions

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Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 10 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 10 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Grade 10 Conservation and Biodiversity
The declining number and variety of the species in an area is                     .
  1. loss of biodiversity
  2. supply and demand
  3. a developed nation
  4. sustainability
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Autotrophs are organisms that                     .
  1. eat each other.
  2. decompose for food.
  3. make their own food.
  4. scavenge for food.
Grade 10 Succession
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Which graphic best represents the flow of energy in a biome?
  1. food chain
  2. food web
  3. energy pyramid
  4. food circle
Grade 10 Symbiosis
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Why are decomposers such an essential part of any food web and ecosystem?
  1. Decomposers recycle nutrients that keep the flow of energy going.
  2. Decomposers provide the base of all energy production in the food web.
  3. Decomposers are responsible for keeping the numbers of herbivores in check.
  4. Decomposers prevent new species from coming into the system.
Grade 10 Conservation and Biodiversity
The variety of life across the biosphere is
  1. biodiversity.
  2. genomics.
  3. homeostasis.
  4. ecology.
Grade 10 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
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