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Second Grade (Grade 2) Ecology Questions

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Grade 2 Biomes
An environment where water covers the soil for most of the year is called a(n)                .
  1. ocean
  2. forest
  3. wetland
  4. mountain
Grade 2 Biotic and Abiotic
Tiny bits of dead                 and plants may be in soil.
  1. animals
  2. metal
Grade 2 Biomes
An environment that has a dry climate is called a(n)                .
  1. ocean
  2. rainforest
  3. mountain
  4. desert
Grade 2 Biotic and Abiotic
Soil is the                 for many animals.
  1. food
  2. home
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
The teeth of a(n)                 are sharp and pointed so it can eat meat.
  1. omnivore
  2. herbivore
  3. carnivore
Grade 2 Biomes
Which are examples of woodland animals?
  1. tapirs, jaguars, wild boars, colorful birds
  2. deer, black bears, foxes, insects
  3. dolphins, whales, fish, krill
Grade 2 Biomes
A desert is an environment with a very dry climate.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Biomes
Wetlands are an area where water covers the soil for the most of the year.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Biomes
What type of climate does the woodland forest have?
  1. Very hot, there is no rain, the days are hot and the nights are cold.
  2. It snows, there is sleet, and it is very cold.
  3. It rains a lot, the days are humid and the nights are cold.
  4. The days are cool and the nights are cold. During the winter is snows.
Grade 2 Biomes
Which biome has very little water and few plants and animals can survive here?
  1. Mountains
  2. Oceans
  3. Forests
  4. Deserts
Grade 2 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
What is a habitat?
  1. a place to live
  2. a type of animal
  3. food
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
All food chains start with                .
  1. the plant
  2. the sun
  3. the predator
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
A herbivore is an organism that eats only meat.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Biomes
The forest is a squirrel's                .
  1. habitat
  2. friend
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
This shows how two or more food chains are connected.
  1. food web
  2. adapt
  3. food chain
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
A        prey        is an animal that is hunted by predators.
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
A            predator            is an animal that hunts other animals for food to eat.
Grade 2 Conservation and Biodiversity
What is it called when an animal no longer exists on Earth?
  1. excavation
  2. extinct
  3. fossil
  4. preserve
Grade 2 Biomes
This has more kinds of living things than other land environment.
  1. Desert
  2. Tropical rainforest
  3. Ocean
  4. Mountains
Grade 2 Food Chains and Webs
A mouse and worms are examples of               .
  1. predator
  2. prey
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