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Second Grade (Grade 2) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Moving lets animals find water, food, and                .
  1. air
  2. gills
  3. shelter
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Animals use different body parts to help them get what they need. Legs,                , and wings help animals move.
  1. lungs
  2. fins
  3. gills
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Some animals                 themselves to blend into their habitat.
  1. migrate
  2. hibernation
  3. camouflage
  4. metamorphosis
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is an example of a PHYSICAL characteristic that helps you each day?
  1. media
  2. eyes, ears, legs, feet, hands
  3. quotation marks
  4. fractions
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Body coverings help animals live in their habitats. Fur helps some                 stay warm in cold habitats.
  1. reptiles
  2. mammals
  3. amphibians
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Traits help animals stay safe. Tortoises have hard                 to keep them safe from predators.
  1. shells
  2. claws
  3. fur
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Which two animals goes through metamorphosis?
  1. cats and dogs
  2. frogs and butterflies
  3. birds and chickens
  4. fish and alligators
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
What do bears do when it warms up?
  1. become dormant
  2. hibernate
  3. migrate
  4. wake up
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
During the winter plants become                .
  1. flowers
  2. grow
  3. hibernate
  4. dormant
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
When an animal sheds its shell or feathers, it's called molting.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Thumbs are one external characteristic that humans have that help them each day.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Male turkeys gobble. Hens do not.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
What does to skim the water mean?
  1. change direction
  2. dip under the water
  3. swallow the water
  4. fly across the top of the water
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Why do some small fish swim in the mouth of a big fish?
  1. to clean its teeth
  2. to hide from another fish
  3. to have a look inside
  4. none of the above
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
How does a puffer fish protect itself from its enemies?
  1. swallows things like balloons
  2. swallows air or water
  3. swallows another fish
  4. none of the above
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
How do people observe the behavior of a fish?
  1. take pictures
  2. become a diver
  3. read about fish
  4. all of the above
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Why does the flying fish leave the water?
  1. to eat bugs and insects
  2. to sail in the wind
  3. to make a splash in the water
  4. to get away from its enemies
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
How do honeybees stay warm in the winter?
  1. They fly south where it is warm.
  2. They crowd together in a ball and eat honey.
  3. They hibernate like bears do.
  4. They grow extra layers of fur that protect them.
Grade 2 Adaptations and Behavior
Birds sing pretty songs to attract a partner.
  1. True
  2. False
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