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Second Grade (Grade 2) Development and Reproduction Questions

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Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Some animals lay eggs. Fish,                , and insects lay eggs.
  1. people
  2. mammals
  3. reptiles
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
For a butterfly, the larva is a(n)                .
  1. pupa
  2. egg
  3. caterpillar
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
A butterfly's final stage before becoming an adult is the                 stage.
  1. pupa
  2. larva
  3. egg
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
When living things             reproduce            , they make more living things of the same kind.
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Changes some animals go through are called                 .
  1. pollen
  2. insect
  3. metamorphosis
  4. reproduction
  5. larva
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Mammals are hatched from eggs.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
What is another word we use for “pupa”?
  1. egg
  2. purple
  3. larva
  4. chrysalis
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Mammal babies slowly                 until they are adults.
  1. grow
  2. sleep
  3. hatch
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
What is another word we use for “caterpillar”?
  1. larva
  2. snail
  3. worm
  4. pupa
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Mammals have live births and need their mothers for                .
  1. showers
  2. milk
  3. comfort
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
Some animals that hatch from eggs go through many changes before they are adults. Each change is called a                .
  1. larva
  2. stage
  3. molt
Grade 2 Development and Reproduction
How many stages are there in the butterflies life cycle? Name the 4 stages.
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