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Second Grade (Grade 2) Taxonomy Questions

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Grade 2 Taxonomy
What is a sea turtle's animal classification?
  1. amphibian
  2. reptile
  3. fish
  4. mammal
Grade 2 Taxonomy
What is a sea turtle's animal classification?
  1. amphibian
  2. reptile
  3. bird
  4. fish
Grade 2 Taxonomy
If a MAMMAL is an animal that gives birth to live young, which of the following animals is a MAMMAL?
  1. bird
  2. fish
  3. elephant
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Animals with backbones are                .
  1. convertibles
  2. invertebrates
  3. vertebrates
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Penguins are a type of               .
  1. mammal
  2. bird
  3. shark
  4. fish
Grade 2 Taxonomy
All living things are sorted into 5 large                .
  1. Kingdoms
  2. Countries
  3. Continents
  4. Teams
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Frogs are classified as                .
  1. reptiles
  2. mammals
  3. fish
  4. birds
  5. amphibians
Grade 2 Taxonomy
A sea turtle is classified as an amphibian.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Taxonomy
If a vertebrate is an animal that has a backbone, which of the following is a vertebrate?
  1. a worm
  2. a jellyfish
  3. a dog
Grade 2 Taxonomy
All insects have 9 legs.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Taxonomy
They do not have scales, they have wet, smooth skin. They are called                .
  1. amphibians
  2. insects
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Lizards, snakes, and turtles are                .
  1. mammals
  2. birds
  3. reptiles
Grade 2 Taxonomy
They have dry rough skin. They are called                .
  1. reptiles
  2. fish
Grade 2 Taxonomy
A(n)                 is an animal that has fur or hair.
  1. mammal
  2. reptile
  3. amphibian
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Animals                backbones are invertebrates.
  1. with
  2. without
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Frogs and toads are                .
  1. reptiles
  2. fish
  3. amphibians
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Amphibians have                 that helps them live both in water and on land.
  1. scales
  2. skin
  3. feathers
Grade 2 Taxonomy
They have scales and swim in water. They are called                .
  1. reptiles
  2. fish
Grade 2 Taxonomy
Are you a mammal?
  1. yes
  2. no
Grade 2 Taxonomy
What are the six groups of animals?
  1. mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects
  2. mammals, fish, birds, air, shelter, water
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