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Second Grade (Grade 2) Botany Questions

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Grade 2 Botany
Photosynthesis is
  1. a plant that has green leaves or needles.
  2. a process plants use to make food and oxygen.
  3. a gas in the air.
  4. how plants give off carbon dioxide.
Grade 2 Botany
What is photosynthesis?
  1. a plant that has green leaves or needles
  2. a process plants use to make food and oxygen
  3. a gas in the air
Grade 2 Botany
Living things need space to grow and live. Most plants grow in                .
  1. water
  2. homes
  3. sunlight
  4. soil
Grade 2 Botany
The colored part of the flower are the                .
  1. leaves
  2. sepals
  3. petals
  4. stems
Grade 2 Botany
Insects carry pollen from flower to                .
  1. dirt
  2. flower
  3. leaves
  4. ground
Grade 2 Botany
The stem of a plant carries                 and                 from the roots to the leaves.
  1. water; minerals
  2. food; air
  3. water; soil
Grade 2 Botany
How do stems help plants meet their basic needs?
  1. carrying water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
  2. hold the plant in the ground
  3. have root hairs
Grade 2 Botany
How do leaves help plants meet their basic needs?
  1. they produce food
  2. hold up the plant
  3. hold the plant in the ground
Grade 2 Botany
Choose the things that a plant absorbs.
  1. water
  2. minerals
  3. seeds
  4. carbon dioxide
Grade 2 Botany
Dylan has four plants. He puts two plants in sunlight and keeps two plants in a dark closet. He waters two plants. He does not water the other two plants. The table shows if each plant was in the sunlight and watered.

Which plant should grow best?
  1. Plant A
  2. Plant B
  3. Plant C
  4. Plant D
Grade 2 Botany
A root we can eat is                .
  1. flower
  2. leaf
  3. steam
  4. carrot
Grade 2 Botany
Stems help plants meet their basic needs by
  1. carrying water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
  2. holding the plant in the ground.
  3. having root hairs.
  4. giving off hydrogen.
Grade 2 Botany
What do roots absorb?
  1. water
  2. minerals
  3. both a and b
Grade 2 Botany
Dylan has four plants. He puts two plants in sunlight and keeps two plants in a dark closet. He waters two plants. He does not water the other two plants. After one month, Dylan checks to see if each plant is still living.

The table shows if each plant was in the sunlight and watered. It also shows if the plant was living after one month.

Based on the table, which is true for plants?
  1. Plants need light and water to live.
  2. Plants need water, but not light to live.
  3. Plants need light, but not water to live.
  4. Plants do not need water or light to live.
Grade 2 Botany
The main parts of a plant are seed, leaves, flowers, stem, and                .
  1. soil
  2. roots
  3. water
  4. seedling
Grade 2 Botany
Plants make food from light, water, and       air      .
Grade 2 Botany
Plants must get everything they need where they grow.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Botany
Plants do not need room to grow.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Botany
The life cycle of a seed is
  1. seed, seed with root, seed with leaves, plant.
  2. seed, seed with leaves, plant.
  3. seed with root, seed with leaves, plant.
  4. seed with leaves and a plant.
Grade 2 Botany
Plants leaves can turn to collect sunlight to grow.
  1. True
  2. False
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