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Development and Reproduction Questions - All Grades

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Grade 8 Development and Reproduction
A type of reproduction that requires two parents is                     .
  1. budding
  2. sexual reproduction
  3. simple division
  4. asexual reproduction
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Reproduction that requires two parents is
  1. sexual.
  2. asexual.
  3. binary fission.
  4. cytokinesis.
Grade 9 Development and Reproduction
A zygote is formed when                                    .
  1. the process of meiosis is completed
  2. crossing over occurs during meiosis
  3. the egg is formed during meiosis
  4. the sperm fertilizes the egg
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
When sperm cells fertilize egg cells, the product is a
  1. zygote.
  2. hypha.
  3. gamete.
  4. chromosome.
Grade 5 Development and Reproduction
Offspring come from a single parent during
  1. asexual reproduction.
  2. sexual reproduction.
  3. heredity.
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Sperm and eggs are
  1. sex cells.
  2. alleles.
  3. genes.
  4. traits.
Grade 3 Development and Reproduction
How a plant germinates, grows, and reproduces is the plant's
  1. life cycle.
  2. flowering plant.
  3. embryo.
  4. seedling.
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
What occurs when a sperm unites with an egg inside the female's body?
  1. spawning
  2. internal fertilization
  3. external fertilization
Grade 3 Development and Reproduction
The sprouting of a seed is called
  1. farming.
  2. germination.
  3. agriculture.
  4. planting.
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Most single-celled organisms produce offspring by
  1. asexual reproduction.
  2. sexual reproduction.
  3. homeostasis.
Grade 9 Development and Reproduction
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
A new organism produced from one organism is a form of                     .
  1. sexual reproduction
  2. fertilization
  3. asexual reproduction
  4. pollination
Grade 6 Development and Reproduction
The form of reproduction in which cells from two parents unite to form a zygote is
  1. asexual reproduction.
  2. primary reproduction.
  3. sexual reproduction.
  4. secondary reproduction.
Grade 6 Development and Reproduction
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
Which characteristic of life does the diagram show?
Butterfly Lifecycle Without Text Labels
  1. homeostasis
  2. organization
  3. growth and development
  4. response to stimuli
Grade 7 Development and Reproduction
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