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College Development and Reproduction Questions

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College Development and Reproduction
What does sexual reproduction mean?
  1. Reproduction that requires a partner, sperm and egg join from male and female
  2. Reproduction that does not require a partner
  3. Reproduction that requires a partner, egg and egg join from female and female
College Development and Reproduction
This connects the ovary to the uterus.
  1. Vagina
  2. Cervix
  3. Fallopian tube
  4. Pelvis
College Development and Reproduction
One of the major problems with kudzu was its aggressive form of vegetative reproduction. This means of reproduction was                                                                  .
  1. a rhizome. The below-grounds running root system.
  2. a stolon. This is an above-ground running root system.
  3. budding. Cloned fragments separate from parent plant when mature.
  4. none of the above
College Development and Reproduction
What is the vas deferens?
  1. Part of the system that produces the alkaline fluid
  2. Sperm duct
  3. Part of the system that produces the fructose
College Development and Reproduction
What is the function of the penis?
  1. Protects the testes
  2. It is the copulatory organ which facilitates sexual intercourse
  3. Secretes an alkaline fluid which makes up semen
College Development and Reproduction
College Development and Reproduction
College Development and Reproduction
What does copulation mean?
  1. Insertion of penis into vagina/cloaca
  2. Insertion of penis into vagina
  3. Insertion of penis into cloaca
College Development and Reproduction
A cloacal kiss is when                                                                         .
  1. Two animals touch their vaginas together to transfer sperm to the female
  2. Two animals touch their penises together to transfer sperm to the female
  3. Two animals touch their cloacae together to transfer sperm to the female
College Development and Reproduction
What does internal fertilisation mean?
  1. Fertilisation which occurs outside the body
  2. Copulation which occurs outside the body
  3. Fertilisation which occurs inside the specialised organs of an animal
College Development and Reproduction
What are spermatophores?
  1. Capsules that contain hormones
  2. Capsules that contain sperm
  3. Capsules that contain eggs
College Development and Reproduction
College Development and Reproduction
From what does the primary follicle develop?
  1. Primordial follicle
  2. Infundibulum
  3. Cervix
  4. Uterus
College Development and Reproduction
What does postcopulatory mean?
  1. before breeding
  2. during breeding
  3. after breeding
  4. before birth
  5. after birth
College Development and Reproduction
What does copulatory mean?
  1. before breeding
  2. during breeding
  3. after breeding
  4. before birth
  5. after birth
College Development and Reproduction
What is the definition of precopulatory?
  1. before breeding
  2. during breeding
  3. after breeding
  4. before birth
  5. after birth
College Development and Reproduction
Which of these are effects of aging? Select all that may apply.
  1. Muscular
  2. Mental
  3. Skeletal
  4. Arthritis
  5. Nervous
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