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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Development and Reproduction Questions

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Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
To be classified as a living thing, an object must be able to                  .
  1. make its own food
  2. grow and develop
  3. move on its own
  4. all of the above
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Unlike sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction involves
  1. one parent.
  2. one nonliving thing.
  3. two parents.
  4. two cells.
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Which of the following organs produce gametes?
  1. testes
  2. primary organs
  3. accessory organs
  4. vagina
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
How do living things change during their lives?
  1. growth and development
  2. making responses
  3. reproduction
  4. movement
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
What are two types of reproduction?
  1. farming and planting
  2. photosynthesis and farming
  3. sexual and asexual
  4. sexual and photosynthesis
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
How many parents are needed in sexual reproduction?
  1. two
  2. three or more
  3. one
  4. four or more
Grade 10 Development and Reproduction
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