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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Development and Reproduction Questions

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Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
The purpose of the male urethra is to                                                    .
  1. carry only urine
  2. carry only semen
  3. carry a mixture of semen and urine
  4. carry both semen and urine but not at the same time
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
What do somatic cells encompass?
  1. all blood cells
  2. all organ cells
  3. only brain cells
  4. sexual cells
  5. all body cells, but not sexual cells
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
The menstrual cycle is a result of the female body preparing
  1. to give birth.
  2. to produce milk.
  3. for pregnancy.
  4. for old age.
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
What is ovulation?
  1. release of an ovum into the oviduct
  2. vagina of the chicken
  3. generation of eggs
  4. implantation of a zygote into the uterine lining
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
In what tube can an ectopic pregnancy occur?
  1. fallopian tube
  2. sperm duct
  3. vas deferens
  4. uterus
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
What event happens in the second trimester?
  1. The gender can be determined with a sonogram.
  2. The fetus has a tail.
  3. The body systems complete development.
  4. The head bulge forms.
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
What event occurs in the first trimester?
  1. Birth occurs.
  2. The fetus becomes active.
  3. The limb buds form.
  4. A pregnant woman may find movement difficult.
Grade 11 Development and Reproduction
What tubule acts as a nursery for sperm?
  1. vas deferens
  2. scrotum
  3. testis
  4. epididymis
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