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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Microbiology Questions

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Grade 11 Microbiology
Antibiotics are effective medications for                     .
  1. fungi
  2. viral infections
  3. bacterial infections
  4. protozoa
Grade 11 Microbiology
Diffusion and osmosis are both forms of                  .
  1. photosynthesis
  2. active transport
  3. respiration
  4. passive transport
Grade 11 Microbiology
Cocci that appear in clusters or groups are                .
  1. diplococci
  2. streptococci
  3. staphylococci
  4. micrococci
Grade 11 Microbiology
These microorganisms cause diseases such as AIDS, herpes, warts, flu, and chicken pox.
  1. bacteria
  2. fungi
  3. protozoa
  4. viruses
Grade 11 Microbiology
This rod-shaped bacteria causes diseases such as tuberculosis, botulism, and typhoid.
  1. bacilli
  2. cocci
  3. spirilla
  4. fungi
Grade 11 Microbiology
Which disease is NOT caused by a virus?
  1. common cold
  2. hepatitis
  3. AIDS
  4. tuberculosis
Grade 11 Microbiology
All the agents are types of "infectious agents," except                .
  1. proteins
  2. bacteria
  3. worms
  4. viruses
Grade 11 Microbiology
Which condition is the most advanced stage of HIV infection?
  1. shingles
  2. chronic HIV
  3. AIDS
  4. tinea pedis
Grade 11 Microbiology
Which kingdom is made up of prokaryotes?
  1. animal
  2. bacteria
  3. fungi
  4. plant
Grade 11 Microbiology
This type of organisms cause ringworm, athlete's foot, and thrush.
  1. rickettsia
  2. protozoan
  3. helminths
  4. fungi
Grade 11 Microbiology
Small organisms found growing in infusion are                .
  1. germs
  2. fungi
  3. microbes
  4. yeast
Grade 11 Microbiology
A single-celled organism is also called a
  1. multicellular organism.
  2. large organism.
  3. plant cell.
  4. unicellular organism.
Grade 11 Microbiology
A water sample from a hot thermal vent contains a single-celled organism that has a cell wall but lacks a nucleus. What is most likely the classification?
  1. Eukarya
  2. Fungi
  3. Protista
  4. Animalia
  5. Archaea
Grade 11 Microbiology
Lyme disease is caused by a type of
  1. bacteria.
  2. virus.
  3. parasite.
  4. fungus.
Grade 11 Microbiology
The type of glassware most commonly used for growing bacteria is a
  1. cup.
  2. petri dish.
  3. beaker.
  4. glass plate.
Grade 11 Microbiology
This agent prevents or inhibits the growth of pathogens and includes alcohol and betadine.
  1. disinfectant
  2. antiseptic
  3. autoclave
  4. analgesic
Grade 11 Microbiology
Some bacteria thrive deep underground without sunlight.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Microbiology
There are two most common forms of bacteria and archaea.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Microbiology
E. coli is a bacteria that reproduces by binary fission every two minutes. After two hours, a single E. coli could produce how many offspring?
  1. 1280
  2. 640
  3. 930
  4. 2560
Grade 11 Microbiology
An inward folding of the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is a
  1. mesosome.
  2. plasmid.
  3. nucleoid.
  4. flagellum.
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