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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Evolution Questions

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Grade 11 Evolution
Grade 11 Evolution
Grade 11 Evolution
Grade 11 Evolution
Which is an example of a vestigial organ?
  1. legs of a horse
  2. fins of a fish
  3. arms of a monkey
  4. wings of an ostrich
Grade 11 Evolution
  1. occurs at such a slow pace that no one has ever observed the emergence of new species.
  2. occurs only by the accumulation of genetic change over vast expanses of time.
  3. must begin with the geographic isolation of a small, frontier population.
  4. and microevolution are synonymous.
  5. can involve changes to a single gene.
Grade 11 Evolution
Grade 11 Evolution
Grade 11 Evolution
                                                   provides evidence of the common ancestry of all life.
  1. The universality of the genetic code
  2. The structure of chloroplast
  3. The structure of cilia
  4. The structure of the nucleus
  5. The ubiquitious use of catalysts by living systems
Grade 11 Evolution
Which factor most likely caused animals and plants in India to differ greatly from species in nearby southeast Asia?
  1. The species have become separated by convergent evolution.
  2. The climates of the two regions are similar.
  3. India is in the process of separating from the rest of Asia.
  4. Life in India was wiped out by ancient volcanic eruptions
  5. India was a separate continent until 45 million years ago.
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