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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Zoology Questions

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Grade 11 Zoology
Grade 11 Zoology
The key function of the bony fish bladder is to what?
  1. speed their swimming so as to catch prey.
  2. regulate their body temperature to prevent overheating.
  3. store fat as backup energy in case of a food shortage.
  4. help them balance between sinking and floating.
Grade 11 Zoology
Grade 11 Zoology
Which characteristic do mammals and birds share?
  1. dry, scaly skin
  2. live birth
  3. ectothermic
  4. endothermic
Grade 11 Zoology
Grade 11 Zoology
Grade 11 Zoology
What does the exoskeleton provide arthropods?
  1. protection
  2. shade
  3. food
  4. proper function
Grade 11 Zoology
Most of the living species known to science
  1. are large mammals.
  2. live in deserts.
  3. live in the richer countries of the world.
  4. are insects.
Grade 11 Zoology
Which group contains the largest number of species?
  1. rotifers
  2. annelids
  3. arthropods
  4. polychaetes
Grade 11 Zoology
Contrary to common knowledge, research suggests that sharks are not "living fossils" because                                                                    .
  1. the fossils of their gill structure show extensive change over time
  2. they are active only in a narrow range worldwide
  3. they grow tens of thousands of teeth over a lifetime
  4. the fossils of shark scales are from about 420 million years ago
Grade 11 Zoology
Which characteristic is NOT found in the chordates?
  1. external skeleton
  2. bilateral symmetry
  3. gill slits during development
  4. notochord
Grade 11 Zoology
What are the two main body forms that exist in the phylum Cnidaria?
  1. polyp and medusa
  2. planula and veliger
  3. adult and larvae
  4. trocophore and megalope
Grade 11 Zoology
Of what is the arthropod exoskeleton made?
  1. protein
  2. chitin
  3. protein and chitin
  4. calcium carbonate
Grade 11 Zoology
Grade 11 Zoology
Which feature allows for heat retention in a vertebrate?
  1. leathery skin on sharks
  2. feathers on birds
  3. watertight skin on reptiles
  4. scales on fish
Grade 11 Zoology
Which animal produces shelled eggs?
  1. birds
  2. elephants
  3. frogs
  4. salamanders
Grade 11 Zoology
Echinoderms are characterized by
  1. having an exoskeleton.
  2. usually having radial symmetry.
  3. often moving by tube feet.
  4. all of the above
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