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Kindergarten Zoology Questions

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Kindergarten Zoology
A(n)                 has 3 main body parts.
  1. insect
  2. thorax
  3. dog
Kindergarten Zoology
Are mammals cold blooded or warm blooded?
  1. cold blooded
  2. warm blooded
Kindergarten Zoology
Mammals and reptiles are both                .
  1. vertebrates
  2. invertebrates
Kindergarten Zoology
A reptile has                .
  1. fins
  2. scales
Kindergarten Zoology
A reptile that may live in a backyard is a                .
  1. penguin
  2. garter snake
Kindergarten Zoology
Most ants cannot fly.
  1. True
  2. False
Kindergarten Zoology
What do mammal babies drink?
  1. their mother's milk
  2. ice tea
Kindergarten Zoology
A lion is the                 cat in the world.
  1. largest
  2. 2nd largest
  3. 3rd largest
Kindergarten Zoology
A mammal that lives in a forest is                .
  1. an alligator
  2. a squirrel
Kindergarten Zoology
A reptile is                .
  1. cold blooded
  2. warm blooded
Kindergarten Zoology
What is the largest mammal?
  1. tiger
  2. blue whale
Kindergarten Zoology
A mother lion usually has how many cubs at a time?
  1. 1 - 2
  2. 2 - 6
  3. 6 - 9
Kindergarten Zoology
How do mammals reproduce?
  1. have babies born alive
  2. lay two eggs
Kindergarten Zoology
Where does a frog live?
  1. pond
  2. park
  3. beach
Kindergarten Zoology
A butterfly starts it life as a(n)               .
  1. egg
  2. pupa
  3. butterfly
  4. adult
Kindergarten Zoology
What do caterpillars spend most of their time eating?
  1. other insects
  2. leaves and own eggshells
  3. flowers
  4. stems
Kindergarten Zoology
Which animal does not come from an egg?
  1. bird
  2. dinosaur
  3. snake
  4. dog
Kindergarten Zoology
What is a lions favorite thing to eat?
  1. lions
  2. zebras
  3. grass
Kindergarten Zoology
About how long are male lions?
  1. 8 feet long
  2. 5 feet long
  3. 10 feet long
Kindergarten Zoology
The part of the insect behind the thorax.
  1. abdomen
  2. head
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