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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Drugs and Alcohol Questions

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Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
Which DRUG Or TOXIN when introduced to the body causes too much (surplus) of the neurotransmittor and what is the effect that goes with it?

Acetylcholine Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine Endorphins GABA

muscle spasms drug addiction & schizophrenia Anxiety artificial highs & not adequate pain warning

sleep & eating disorders Autism

The toxin Black Widow Spider venom and the drug Nicotine cause a surplus of which neurotransmitter                 Acetylcholine                . What are the effects?                        Severe muscle spasms                       

The drug Cocaine cause a surplus of            dopamine           . The effects are                                    Schizophrenia and drug addiction                                   

Opiate drugs cause too much of which neurotransmitter?              Endorphins              The effect is                                                                   Body may not give adequate warning about pain, artificial highs                                                                  

A surplus of SSRIs can cause an increase in             Serotonin             with an effect of          Autism         

The drugs valium and xanax cause surplus of what?        GABA        and the effects are                              sleep and eating disorders                             

Too much caffiene or amphetamines cause a surplus of which neurotransmitter?                  norepinephrine                  and it causes what effects to the body?           Anxiety          
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
what is the full name for meth?
  1. methamphetamine
  2. ice
  3. tweaking
  4. cocaine
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
A type of advertising that tries to convince you that "everyone" is doing it, is called:
  1. bandwagon
  2. good times
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What is the definition of a Drug?
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What is tolerance?
  1. It is the amount a person can drink before feeling any effects
  2. It is the amount a person can allow his or her friends to drink.
  3. It is the amount a person can drink before vomiting.
  4. It is the need for increasing amounts of alcohol before feeling any effects.
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What exactly does the breathalyzer measure?
  1. Amount of alcohol in your breath.
  2. Amount of alcohol flowing through your body.
  3. Amount of alcohol you have consumed.
  4. Amount of alcohol your liver has broken down.
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
MOST of the alcohol in your blood is broken down by which of the following?
  1. Colon
  2. Stomach
  3. Small intestine
  4. Liver
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
Which of the following is a reason women get drunk easier than men?
  1. They have no testosterone.
  2. They have less water in their bodies
  3. They have more water in their bodies
  4. They drink faster than men
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What should you do to speed up the process of "sobering or reducing BAC?"
  1. Nothing will work, time is the only way.
  2. Lots of coffee.
  3. Tomato juice and lemon
  4. Mouthwash
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What B.A.C. is considered legally drunk in most states?
  1. .50
  2. .05
  3. .80
  4. .08
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How long does it take your body to break down one standard drink? (1.5 oz hard liquor, 5 oz wine, 12 oz beer)
  1. 30 minutes
  2. 60 minutes
  3. 90 minutes
  4. 120 minutes
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How can prescription or over the counter drugs affect a person who is drinking?
  1. They cannot, alcohol and drugs are different
  2. Most medications slow the rate of drunkenness in most people.
  3. Many medications make a person get drunk faster than he otherwise would.
  4. There are no medications that are safe to take with alcohol.
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
what is meth in your own words?                                                                      meth is a powdery drug that you can snort, inject, smoke or swallow                                                                      
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
What is the name of the enzyme which metabolizes alcohol?
  1. alcohol amylase
  2. alcohol destructionase
  3. alcohol diminutivase
  4. alcohol dehydrogenase
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
Which B.A.C. level is likely to cause death?
  1. .08
  2. .21
  3. .37
  4. .01
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How many drinks constitute a binge for women?
  1. Six drinks in a row
  2. Five drinks in a row
  3. Four drinks in a row
  4. Three drinks in a row
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How much alcohol is absorbed by your small intestine?
  1. 20%
  2. 60%
  3. 80%
  4. 100%
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How does the alcohol in your blood get into your exhaled breath?
  1. It is magic
  2. Through the alveoli in your lungs
  3. Through the liver
  4. Through you nose
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
Which is best to eat before drinking?
  1. Bread
  2. Crackers
  3. Big Mac
  4. Salad
Grade 11 Drugs and Alcohol
How much alcohol can the body break down in one hour?
  1. 12 ounces
  2. 1.5 ounces
  3. .5 ounces
  4. 5 ounces
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