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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Diet and Nutrition Questions

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Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which vitamin, often found in citrus fruit, is also known as ascorbic acid?
  1. vitamin C
  2. vitamin B12
  3. vitamin B3
  4. vitamin K
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What is a function of vitamin B12?
  1. processes amino acids and lipids
  2. assists with blood cell formation
  3. maintains connective tissue
  4. boosts the immune system
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to the development of
  1. rickets.
  2. scurvy.
  3. anemia.
  4. osteoporosis.
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Where is one most likely to obtain their daily requirement of vitamin B6?
  1. leafy green vegetables
  2. whole grains
  3. citrus fruits
  4. egg yolks
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
The other term for vitamin B2 is              riboflavin             .
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What is the primary function of vitamin K?
  1. It helps with the development of bones and teeth.
  2. It assists with the absorption of calcium from the blood.
  3. It is used in the metabolism of amino acids.
  4. It is an essential part of the mechanism that clots blood.
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
'Multigrain' bread is always 'whole-grain.'
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
To lose weight, one must expend more calories than they consume.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
All humans need the same caloric intake at all stages of life?
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What are the Water Soluble Vitamins?
  1. A and D
  2. B and C
  3. E and K
  4. F and G
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What does Vitamin K do for us in our body?
  1. Helps us see
  2. Give us energy
  3. Clots our blood
  4. Makes our nails strong
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What vitamin does our Large Intestine make for us?
  1. Vitamin E
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin K
  4. Vitamin C
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which vitamin helps prevent lung damage caused by pollutants?
  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin B3
  3. vitamin K
  4. vitamin E
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which micro-nutrient is not manufactured by living things?
  1. Vitamins
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Minerals
  4. Fats
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which complex carb helps the digestive system work well?
  1. Starch
  2. Fiber
  3. White bread
  4. Milk
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
What are the most common symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid?
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
If a fat comes from an animal source, it is:
  1. Monounsaturated
  2. Polyunsaturated
  3. Trans
  4. Saturated
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which nutrient is made by living things and is needed in small amounts? (micro nutrient)
  1. vitamins
  2. protein
  3. minerals
  4. fats
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which of the following class of carbs should you eat less of?
  1. Saturated carbs
  2. Simple Carbs
  3. Complex Carbs
  4. Trans Carbs
Grade 11 Diet and Nutrition
Which type of fat is created when unsaturated fat is hydrogenated?
  1. Saturated fat
  2. Polyunsaturated fat
  3. Trans fat
  4. Monounsaturated fat
  5. Monounsaturated fat
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