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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Diet and Nutrition Questions

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Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Which food contains the most protein?
  1. Meat
  2. Salad Dressing
  3. Spinach
  4. Watermelon
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What food group would peanut butter be apart of?
  1. Vegetables
  2. Fruits
  3. Sweets and Oils
  4. Poultry, Meats, and Nuts
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
True or False: Sugars (doughnuts, candy, etc.) are healthy snacks.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
True or False: Each serving for every food group is the same.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
The body must have         water         to survive.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
True or False: A serving is the amount you would eat in three meals.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
          Calcium           is the mineral in milk that helps build strong bones and prevents osteoporosis.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
      Fat       is a nutrient that supplies the body with energy and has the most calories per gram of food.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
The units used to measure the amount of energy the body gets from food are called            calories           .
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
        Fiber        is the type of carbohydrate that helps move food through the digestive system.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Exercise is important for good health. To repair our muscles we need to eat
  1. cereal
  2. sugar
  3. protein
  4. apples
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
           Vitamins            are the nutrients that help your body work, grow, and fight disease. They cause specific reactions in the body.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Which of the following is NOT considered a vegetable?
  1. Carrot
  2. Corn
  3. Broccoli
  4. Tomato
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
        Water         is the nutrient that takes other nutrients to the cells and removes the waste from cells.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
How many servings of vegetables should you eat daily?
  1. 3-5
  2. 10-12
  3. 1-3
  4. 5-7
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
If you do not drink enough water on a hot day or while exercising you could become              dehydrated             
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Which food would be the worst to eat if you are trying to follow the Food Guide Pyramid?
  1. Strawberry
  2. Almonds
  3. Ice cream
  4. Rice
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Vitamin is a substance that makes you ill if you eat it.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What is the leading health problem described as an epidemic by the World Health Organization in the United States that is directly related to nutrition, diet, and physical activity?
  1. Obesity
  2. Global Warming
  3. Sickness
  4. Weight Loss
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
                Preservatives                 are chemicals that are added to food to keep it from spoiling.
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