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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Diet and Nutrition Questions

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Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
True or False: The vegetable group contains the major vitamins and minerals.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What are carbohydrates important for?
  1. They help you to think clearly.
  2. They help you to breathe deeply.
  3. They give you most of your energy.
  4. The filter toxins out of your blood.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What group should you try to avoid
  1. Meat Group
  2. Milk Group
  3. Fats and Sweets
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
You should eat fruits and vegetables more than other foods each day.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What does the number of calories in a food tell you?
  1. How much fat is in it.
  2. How much energy the food will give your body.
  3. How much sugar the food contains.
  4. How long your energy will last.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
What food group is placed on the bottom of the Food Guide Pyramid?
  1. Fruits and Veggies
  2. Grains
  3. Meats
  4. Sugars
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Yogurt goes in the        Milk         group
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Grain is the most important on the food pyramid
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Your body can make Vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Vitamins and minerals provide energy.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
To prevent headaches we need to
  1. run
  2. hydrate
  3. eat
  4. lie down
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
The food pyramid consists of      6      groups
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Food rich in protein helps build what?
  1. muscles
  2. bones
  3. calcium
  4. none of the above
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Bananas are a good source of potassium.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
This mineral is important because it helps in building bones and teeth and maintaining bone strength. This mineral is commonly found in milk. What is the mineral?
  1. Calcium
  2. Sodium
  3. Fat
  4. Water
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
The substance found in animal fats that builds up in the blood vessels and can cause heart disease is called               cholesterol              .
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
When trying to maintain a balanced diet it is important to
  1. eat from all of the food groups.
  2. eat more fruits and vegetables than anything else.
  3. Completely avoid all fats and sugars.
  4. Skip breakfast once a week.
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
Which organ in your body stores a lot of nutrients?
  1. Brain
  2. Skin
  3. Liver
  4. Pancreas
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
You should avoid the grain group
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Diet and Nutrition
The foods we need to eat lots of to be healthy are called
  1. Yummy
  2. Core foods
  3. Sometimes foods
  4. Yucky
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