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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Emotional, Social, and Mental Health Questions

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Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
One reason that physical activity is a positive stress-management technique is because:
  1. The body releases endorphins which make you feel good and helps alleviate feeling stressed
  2. It causes you to eat less, therefore helping you lose weight
  3. Physically active people cope with stress worse than non-physically active people
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
If you are infected with an STD you are responsible to tell every sex partner about your infection.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Health Education is a social science that uses 5 things to promote health and prevent diseases. They are?
  1. Physical Science, Holistic, Biological, Environmental, Well-being
  2. Environmental, Social Science, Medical Science, Holistic , Psychological
  3. Biological, Environmental, Psychological, Physical and Medical Science
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Exposure to moderate stressors over a long period of time may lead to?
  1. PTSD
  2. Aggression
  3. Exercise
  4. Psychological burnout
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
What is Physical Health?
  1. How we learn, think and make judgenents
  2. individuals to learn , think and make judgements
  3. Think clearly and cope with everyday life and problems
  4. How your Body Works effieciently
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
What is EMPATHY?
  1. The ability to feel what others feel, to put yourself in someone else's place.
  2. The ability to feel sorry for someone ele's troubles and problems.
  3. The ability to feel happy when others are feeling extremely happy
  4. None of the above
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
This type of stress could come as a result of an argument with a parent or friend:
  1. Eustress
  2. Exstress
  3. Distress
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
The study of several factors believed to moderate, or affect, our reaction to stressors is know as.
  1. Hardiness
  2. Health psychology
  3. Aggression
  4. Social support
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Cultural beliefs have nothing to do with the choices we make.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Identify the choice that correctly indicates 2 Postive Ways to Cope With Stress from the handout I distributed in class:
  1. Write down your feelings / Punch someone in the face
  2. Vent on social media/ Find ways to relax
  3. Keep a sense of humor / Take action when you can
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Irritability and sadness or depression are directly linked to cancer and are examples of             emotional             symptoms of stress.
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Successful people stay on course to their destinations by                                                                     .
  1. wisely choosing their beliefs and bahaviors
  2. trying harder in the face of acknowledged weaknesses
  3. identifying why they have strengths and weaknesses within themselves
  4. relying on their luck and past successes
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
P.I.E.S stands for                                                                     
  1. Psychological needs, Inapt needs, Eating habits, Special needs
  2. Physical needs, Inapt needs, Emotional needs and Social needs
  3. Physical needs, Intellectual needs, Emotional needs and Social needs
  4. Physical needs, Intellectual needs, Emancipate needs and Social needs
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
What is health Promotion?
  1. Refers to the efficient working off the body
  2. Ways to provide info to people to improve their health
  3. Learn think and make judgement about health
  4. The absents of physical illness
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the choices we make on a daily basis.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
A way of reacting to stress in which a person stays away from a stressful situation altogether.
  1. Avoidance-Oriented Coping
  2. Overindulgence
  3. Biofeedback
  4. Coping
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
                         Diathesis-stress model                          is a theory that links stress with psychological disorder.
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
A healthy diet, proper sleep and exercise strengthen you both mentally and physically.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Self-esteem is the reputation we have with others.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 11 Emotional, Social, and Mental Health
Accepting our weaknesses                                                              .
  1. means we are judging ourselves
  2. signals that we are content to stay where we are
  3. provides a starting point for developing stronger self-esteem
  4. makes it impossible to schieve success
  5. All of the above
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