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First Grade (Grade 1) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A special feature that helps an animal survive is                .
  1. an adaptation
  2. a food chain
  3. a human
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A scorpion protects itself using its                .
  1. ears
  2. nose
  3. eyes
  4. tail
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Some animals use plants for                .
  1. food
  2. decoration
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Animals that sleep through winter are migrating.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Which animal sleeps with one eye open to look out for danger?
  1. horse
  2. bat
  3. dolphin
  4. koala
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
How do you move? Choose the best answer.
  1. Run, Hop, Skip
  2. Fly
  3. Run, Hop, Skip, Jump, and Walk
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Which animal can break off its tail to get away?
  1. platypus
  2. lizard
  3. bat
  4. skunk
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Where are a cricket's ears?
  1. on its knees
  2. on its head
  3. on its back
  4. on its stomach
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
How does a frog use camouflage?
  1. hibernate for the winter
  2. hide from predators
  3. keep warm
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Animals can only protect themselves using their tails.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A fish breathes air through its                .
  1. fins
  2. gills
  3. flippers
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Animals can help plants by carrying pollen or                .
  1. honey
  2. seeds
  3. soil
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
Animals that eat                 have large, flat teeth.
  1. meat
  2. fish
  3. plants
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
An elephant uses its                 to put water in its mouth.
  1. trunk
  2. head
  3. legs
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A bat can find a home in a                .
  1. cave
  2. ocean
  3. nest
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
What do snakes use to slither, climb and swim?
  1. venom and fangs
  2. scales and stomach muscles
  3. scales and venom
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A horse is ready to run from danger when it is sleeping because it can lock its knees.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A mountain lion's teeth are good for tearing                 .
  1. wood
  2. meat
  3. shoes
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
How do gills help tadpoles?
  1. Gills let tadpoles breathe in water.
  2. Gills help tadpoles jump far on land.
  3. Gills help tadpoles find food.
Grade 1 Adaptations and Behavior
A horse's flat teeth are good for chewing                .
  1. meat
  2. potatoes
  3. grass
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