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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Which characteristic of living things best explains why birds fly south for the winter?
  1. Living things reproduce.
  2. Living things maintain internal balance.
  3. Living things respond to their environment.
  4. Living things are based on a universal genetic code.
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
                is an example of an adaptation.
  1. Camouflage
  2. Eating habits
  3. Sleeping habits
  4. Shelter
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Which traits are prey adaptations?
  1. false coloring and mimicry
  2. warning coloring and camouflage
  3. mimicry and protective covering
  4. all of the above
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Kathy is studying adaptations in tropical fish. Which adaptation does not prevent predators from eating the fish?
  1. camouflage
  2. spiny tail
  3. ability to change direction quickly
  4. sucker-like mouth
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Which type of behavior is an animal born with?
  1. learned behavior
  2. intelligent behavior
  3. innate behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
What type of animal can control its own body temperature?
  1. ectotherm
  2. endotherm
  3. exotherm
  4. mesotherm
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
The mating rituals seen in many animals are examples of
  1. instincts.
  2. learned behaviors.
  3. reflexes.
  4. intelligent behaviors.
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
What is NOT a physical feature that allows bird to fly?
  1. Their bones are hollow.
  2. Their feathers can be various colors.
  3. They have wings.
  4. They have an air sac within their bodies.
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Anything that causes some change in an organism is a(n)
  1. response.
  2. retaliation.
  3. stimulus.
  4. interaction.
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is a stimulus?
  1. sound
  2. gravity
  3. darkness
  4. all of the above
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