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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Protists and Fungi Questions

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Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
What do amoebas use to move?
  1. cilia
  2. chloroplasts
  3. psuedopods
  4. flagella
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
How does the paramecium get food?
  1. It surrounds food with pseudopods.
  2. Cilia sweep food into the oral groove.
  3. It conducts photosynthesis.
  4. None of the above
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Fungi cannot make their own food because                                       .
  1. their cells have more than one nucleus
  2. their cells have no chloroplasts
  3. they are not made of cells
  4. their cells have cell walls
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Choose the characteristics that fungi and animals have in common.
  1. autotrophs and heterotrophs
  2. eukaryotes and heterotrophs
  3. unicellular and autotrophs
  4. prokaryotes and heterotrophs
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
How does the amoeba move?
  1. cilia
  2. wings
  3. pseudopods
  4. feet
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
Unicellular yeast cells undergo asexual reproduction through
  1. fruiting bodies.
  2. fragmentation.
  3. fission.
  4. budding.
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
What is the study of fungi?
  1. mycology
  2. figology
  3. phosphology
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
How does the euglena digest food?
  1. It does not need food.
  2. No digestion is needed.
  3. It uses food vacuoles.
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
What is the rigid covering of a hyphae strand?
  1. cell membrane
  2. cell wall
  3. pseudopods
  4. chloroplasts
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
How do the amoeba and paramecium digest food?
  1. No digestion is needed
  2. They use chloroplasts
  3. They use food vacuoles
  4. None of the above
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
What is the network of filaments of a multicellular fungus?
  1. mitochondria
  2. mycelium
  3. chitin
  4. cellulose
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
What are single-celled, animal-like organisms?
  1. pseudopods
  2. protozoa
  3. mycelium
  4. algae
Grade 7 Protists and Fungi
The reproductive structure in which spores are created is the
  1. bud.
  2. fruiting body.
  3. hyphae.
  4. fungal ring.
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