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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Protists and Fungi Questions

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Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
In what conditions do fungi thrive?
  1. dry and hot conditions, such as a desert
  2. moist and cold conditions, particularly where there is heavy rainfall year round
  3. damp and warm conditions, often in the soil or on rotting plant material
  4. dry and cold conditions such as in the tundra areas of the Arctic, where the first layer of soil is permanently frozen
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Mushrooms, molds, and yeasts are all types of
  1. spores.
  2. fungi.
  3. molds.
  4. protozoans.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Most fungi reproduce asexually by using
  1. fission.
  2. chromosomes.
  3. mitosis.
  4. spores.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
What does Euglena use to move around?
  1. whip
  2. flagella
  3. pseudopod
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Protozoa translates to
  1. animals.
  2. one animal.
  3. first animal.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Fungi cannot make their own food because
  1. their cells have cell walls.
  2. their cells have more than one nucleus.
  3. their cells have no chloroplasts.
  4. they are not made of cells.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Fungi include microorganisms such as
  1. mushrooms.
  2. yeast.
  3. paramecium.
  4. all of the above
  5. both a and b
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
All protists are single-celled organisms.
  1. This statement is correct.
  2. This statement is incorrect.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Plant-like protists produce food through
  1. osmosis.
  2. ingestion.
  3. photosynthesis.
  4. eating.
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
Fungi include microorganisms such as
  1. cilia.
  2. yeast.
  3. paramecium.
  4. all of the above
Grade 6 Protists and Fungi
What animal-like protist uses pseudopods?
  1. Plasmodium
  2. Euglena
  3. Paramecium
  4. Amoeba
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