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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
The buzzard has a short, hooked beak. Based on the shape and size of its beak, which type of food does the buzzard most likely eat?
Bird Beak - Buzzard
  1. insects living within tree bark
  2. worms and crabs burrowed in mud
  3. remains of small mammals
  4. berries growing on bushes
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Where does the bird with this foot most likely live?
Bird Foot - Herring Gull
  1. open desert
  2. near water
  3. deep woods
  4. high mountains
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
An inherited behavior that helps an organism survive is a
  1. behavioral adaptation.
  2. structural adaptation.
  3. mimicry.
  4. cast.
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Plant growth in response to light is called                .
  1. photography
  2. gravitropism
  3. phototropism
  4. hyphal growth
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Hunting is a behavior that helps a cat be an effective
  1. prey.
  2. producer.
  3. autotroph.
  4. predator.
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is an example of adaptation?
  1. A dog mates with another dog.
  2. A cactus stores water in its stem.
  3. A horse looks exactly like another horse.
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
What is an example of a structural adaptation?
  1. hibernation
  2. migration
  3. fur
  4. estivation
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
What is an adaptation in which one organism looks like another?
  1. camouflage
  2. mimicry
  3. cast
  4. learned behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
An adaptation of an organism's body or coloring is a
  1. mimicry.
  2. structural adaptation.
  3. mold.
  4. cast.
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
What type of feet does this bird most likely have?
Bird Beak - Curlew
  1. scratching
  2. grasping
  3. climbing
  4. wading
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
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