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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Protists and Fungi Questions

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Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Yeasts reproduce by                 .
  1. producing spores
  2. using hyphae
  3. using fungi
  4. budding
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Mushrooms reproduce by                    
  1. producing spores.
  2. sending out buds.
  3. engulfing protists.
  4. eating bacteria.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
What are three structures protozoans use to move?
  1. nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
  2. chloroplast, vacuole, eyespot
  3. algae, euglena, slime mold
  4. flagella, cilia, pseudopods
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Which description most accurately describes a slime mold?
  1. plant-like protist
  2. animal-like protist
  3. fungus-like protist
  4. bacteria-like protist
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Reproductive hyphae that produce spores are
  1. fruiting bodies.
  2. angiosperms.
  3. gymnosperms.
  4. sporangia.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Euglenoids have a special trait that allows them to survive when light is either scarce or inaccessible. What is this characteristic?
  1. They are also autotrophic.
  2. They are also heterophobic.
  3. They are also autographic.
  4. They are also heterotrophic.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Which description applies to most protists?
  1. unicellular eukaryotes
  2. unicellular prokaryotes
  3. multicellular eukaryotes
  4. multicellular prokaryotes
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Slime molds are found primarily in                        .
  1. deserts
  2. ocean tidal pools
  3. fast-moving streams
  4. decaying organic matter
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Which of these statements about fungi is FALSE?
  1. All fungi are unicellular.
  2. All fungi are eukaryotic.
  3. All fungi have cell walls.
  4. All fungi are heterotrophs.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
Alternation of generations is the process of alternating between
  1. mitosis and meiosis.
  2. diploid and haploid phases.
  3. asexual and sexual reproduction.
  4. male and female reproductive structures.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
The oral groove found in a paramecium serves as
  1. the location where wastes are expelled.
  2. the means of maintaining water balance in organelles.
  3. a passage through which food particles enter.
  4. an area in which cilia are controlled by the cell.
Grade 9 Protists and Fungi
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