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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Astronomy Questions

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Grade 7 Planetary Motion
Day and night are caused by                                  .
  1. the tilt of Earth's axis
  2. Earth's revolution around the Sun
  3. eclipses
  4. Earth's rotation on its axis
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
When does an equinox occur?
  1. neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the Sun.
  2. the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.
  3. the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun.
  4. Earth's axis is parallel to the Sun's rays.
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
What must happen for a solar eclipse to occur?
  1. the Sun must be directly between Earth and the Moon.
  2. the Moon must be directly between Earth and the Sun.
  3. the Moon must be directly behind Earth.
  4. Earth must be directly between the Sun and the Moon.
Grade 7 The Moon
The phase of the Moon you see depends on                                                    .
  1. where you are on Earth's surface
  2. how much of the sunlit side of the Moon faces Earth
  3. how much of the Moon's surface is lit by the Sun
  4. whether or not an eclipse is occurring
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
Grade 7 Inner Planets
Which of the following is NOT true about Mars?
  1. Nicknamed 'The Red Planet'
  2. Outer Planet
  3. Named after Roman god of war
  4. Inner Planet
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
The position of the axis on Earth is important for what reason?
  1. night and day
  2. length of a year
  3. seasons
  4. position in the solar system
Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 7 Inner Planets
Grade 7 The Moon
When are tides highest?
  1. during the Moon's first quarter phase
  2. when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are nearly in a line
  3. during the Moon's third quarter
  4. when the Moon is at a right angle to the Sun
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Where do we find most asteroids in our solar system?
  1. Between Mars and Earth
  2. Between Mars and Jupiter
  3. Between Mars and Saturn
  4. Between Mars and Pluto
Grade 7 Planetary Motion
Grade 7 Outer Planets
Grade 7 Stars
What is an apparent magnitude?
  1. It is a measure of the amount of light a star actually gives off.
  2. It is a light year.
  3. It is a measure of the amount of a star's light received on Earth.
  4. It is a temporary feature that comes and goes.
Grade 7 Stars
What color are the coolest stars?
  1. Red
  2. Blue
  3. Orange
  4. Yellow
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