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Third Grade (Grade 3) Ecology Questions

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Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
An herbivore is animal that eats only
  1. insects.
  2. meat.
  3. plants.
  4. plants and meat.
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
A carnivore is an animal that eats only
  1. meat.
  2. plants.
  3. everything.
  4. fruit and meat.
Grade 3 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Everything that surrounds and affects a living thing is called its
  1. home.
  2. community.
  3. ecosystem.
  4. environment.
Grade 3 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
An organism is any
  1. nonliving thing.
  2. individual living thing.
  3. animal that eats fruit and meat.
  4. none of the above
Grade 3 Biotic and Abiotic
What does biotic mean?
  1. living
  2. non-living
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
Animals that eat other animals are called
  1. carnivores.
  2. omnivores.
  3. herbivores.
  4. prey.
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
A lion is a carnivore. What does a carnivore eat?
  1. plants
  2. animals
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
What is a food chain?
  1. energy from the sunlight
  2. path of energy from one thing to another
  3. extra food stored by a plant
  4. slug that eats leaves
Grade 3 Biomes
A forest where all the trees drop their leaves during the winter is called a
  1. savanna.
  2. tropical rain forest.
  3. coniferous forest.
  4. deciduous forest.
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
What happens when living things decompose?
  1. They grow healthy and strong.
  2. They have babies.
  3. They store up fat for the winter.
  4. Their parts break down into the soil.
Grade 3 Biomes
The                 is a land ecosystem that gets very little rain.
  1. tundra
  2. desert
  3. grassland
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
When a living thing dies it DECOMPOSES and rots away. What does DECOMPOSE mean?
  1. to grow bigger
  2. to break down
  3. to survive
  4. to study closely
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
A rabbit is a
  1. consumer.
  2. producer.
  3. decomposer.
Grade 3 Biomes
A desert is a                 ecosystem.
  1. very wet
  2. very dry
  3. cold and wet
  4. hot and dry
Grade 3 Food Chains and Webs
A cow is a herbivore. What does a herbivore eat?
  1. plants
  2. animals
Grade 3 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
The number of a group of the same kind of living things that live in the same place is called a(n)
  1. habitat.
  2. population.
  3. ecosystem.
  4. community.
Grade 3 Biomes
A large area of the world that has a unique climate and specific types of plants and animals is called a
  1. biome.
  2. vegetation.
  3. natural resource.
  4. weather pattern.
Grade 3 Conservation and Biodiversity
Species that are in danger of going extinct are called
  1. endangered.
  2. threatened.
  3. fossilized.
Grade 3 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
Some animals need to build or find                 to protect them.
  1. rocks
  2. trees
  3. shelter
  4. air
Grade 3 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
A place where living and nonliving things interact, such as forests and deserts is called a(n)
  1. ecosystem.
  2. population.
  3. community.
  4. habitat.
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