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Third Grade (Grade 3) Biomes Questions

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Grade 3 Biomes
A forest where all the trees drop their leaves during the winter is called a
  1. savanna.
  2. tropical rain forest.
  3. coniferous forest.
  4. deciduous forest.
Grade 3 Biomes
The                 is a land ecosystem that gets very little rain.
  1. tundra
  2. desert
  3. grassland
Grade 3 Biomes
A desert is a                 ecosystem.
  1. very wet
  2. very dry
  3. cold and wet
  4. hot and dry
Grade 3 Biomes
A large area of the world that has a unique climate and specific types of plants and animals is called a
  1. biome.
  2. vegetation.
  3. natural resource.
  4. weather pattern.
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome represents               .
  1. river
  2. grassland
  3. hills
  4. cows
Grade 3 Biomes
You can find dolphins in the
  1. desert.
  2. jungle.
  3. forest.
  4. sea.
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome has very little rain, vegetation and has extreme temperatures.
  1. Tropical Rain Forest
  2. Classroom
  3. Desert
  4. lunch room
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome represents                     .
  1. Desert
  2. Tropical Rain Forest
  3. Tundra
  4. Classroom
Grade 3 Biomes
Caribou and polar bears live in which ecosystem?
  1. desert
  2. tundra
  3. grasslands
  4. tropical forest
Grade 3 Biomes
The main plants in a                 ecosystem are trees.
  1. desert
  2. forest
  3. grassland
  4. water
Grade 3 Biomes
What does abiotic mean?
  1. living
  2. non-living
Grade 3 Biomes
Which thing is abiotic?
  1. rock
  2. dog
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome represents               .
  1. Taiga
  2. Rain Forest
  3. Cafeteria
  4. Classroom
Grade 3 Biomes
Snakes, coyotes, and cacti live in the desert.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome represents                     .
  1. Tropical Rain Forest
  2. Classroom
  3. Desert
  4. lunch room
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome represents                    .
  1. Temperate Forest
  2. Tropical Rain Forest
  3. Taiga
Grade 3 Biomes
What is the climate like in a grassland ecosystem?
  1. cold and wet
  2. hot and dry
  3. cold winters and hot summers
  4. wet summers and dry winters
Grade 3 Biomes
The desert is very hot, dry, and often thought of as a wasteland. However, many animals have adapted to live here. Which animals are able to survive in this ecosystem?
  1. fish and frogs
  2. bears and deer
  3. snakes and mice
  4. leopards and tigers
Grade 3 Biomes
Grasshoppers and bison live in which type of ecosystem?
  1. desert
  2. tundra
  3. grasslands
  4. tropical forest
Grade 3 Biomes
This biome is usually cold, dry, and found at the extreme ends of Earth.
  1. rain forest
  2. desert
  3. winter
  4. tundra
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