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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Biomes Questions

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Grade 7 Biomes
What is the Earth's coldest and harshest biome?
  1. rainforest
  2. desert
  3. grassland
  4. tundra
Grade 7 Biomes
What part of Earth supports life?
  1. ecology
  2. ecosystem
  3. biotic
  4. biosphere
Grade 7 Biomes
How is a biome primarily identified?
  1. average precipitation and temperature
  2. characteristic community of organisms, particularly plants
  3. distance from the equator
  4. specific geographical location
Grade 7 Biomes
The largest biome on earth is the
  1. tropical rainforest.
  2. grassland.
  3. ocean.
  4. desert.
Grade 7 Biomes
Freshwater ecosystems include
  1. streams.
  2. lakes.
  3. ponds.
  4. all of the above
Grade 7 Biomes
Which biome has the highest biodiversity of any ecosystem?
  1. grassland
  2. tundra
  3. desert
  4. tropical rainforest
Grade 7 Biomes
Which biome has the least amount of precipitation?
  1. grassland
  2. rainforest
  3. desert
  4. deciduous forest
Grade 7 Biomes
Grade 7 Biomes
The combination of natural resources in a forest (air, light, soil, water) determine
  1. the size of the forest.
  2. the kind of fauna and flora.
  3. the amount of eggs a bird can lay.
  4. none of the above
Grade 7 Biomes
How are tundra and desert ecosystems similar?
  1. They both have rich soil.
  2. They both support a lot of plant life.
  3. They both receive little rainfall.
  4. They both have extremely warm temperatures.
Grade 7 Biomes
Grade 7 Biomes
Which is a biotic component of soil in a forest?
  1. air
  2. fragments of dead plants
  3. small particles of rock
  4. water
Grade 7 Biomes
Wladimir Koppen classified climate types by
  1. temperature, precipitation, and vegetation.
  2. temperature, latitude, and wind patterns.
  3. temperature, seasonal changes, and region.
Grade 7 Biomes
The vast frozen plains located within the Arctic Circle are
  1. tundra.
  2. boreal forest.
  3. savanna.
  4. permafrost.
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