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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Biomes Questions

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Grade 4 Biomes
One ecosystem is different from another by its kinds and amounts of
  1. soil, water, buildings, and humans.
  2. carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and soil.
  3. animals, oxygen, plant life, and pollution.
  4. sunlight, rainfall, temperature, and species types.
Grade 4 Biomes
The environment covering two-thirds of the planet is
  1. mountain.
  2. ocean.
  3. desert.
  4. rainforest.
Grade 4 Biomes
What is another term for a prairie biome?
  1. taiga
  2. forest
  3. tundra
  4. grassland
Grade 4 Biomes
A rain forest and all the organisms that live there are a(n)
  1. population.
  2. ecosystem.
  3. community.
  4. habitat.
Grade 4 Biomes
What do polar ecosystems not have?
  1. soil
  2. animals
  3. water
  4. ice
Grade 4 Biomes
What might an ecosystem that has mostly pine or spruce trees be?
  1. mountain forest
  2. evergreen forest
  3. deep woods
  4. green woods
Grade 4 Biomes
What is the top layer of the rainforest?
  1. shrub
  2. canopy
  3. emergent
  4. understory
Grade 4 Biomes
Where are grasslands found?
  1. deserts
  2. polar climates
  3. temperate and tropical climates
Grade 4 Biomes
What is tundra?
  1. an area where land and water meet and that is always wet
  2. a very dry area that is mostly hot during the day
  3. a place with many trees and abundant food for animals
  4. a place with sparse vegetation and cold temperatures throughout the year
Grade 4 Biomes
Tennessee is located in a tropical climate.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Biomes
Of what do desert ecosystems have very little?
  1. sand
  2. rainfall
  3. conditions
  4. living things
Grade 4 Biomes
The temperature in the taiga biome is
  1. hot in the summer and cool in the winter.
  2. cool year-round.
  3. hot year-round.
  4. perfect; not too hot and not too cold.
Grade 4 Biomes
The floor of a tropical rain forest is covered with
  1. grasses.
  2. dead plant material.
  3. blooming flowers.
  4. animals.
Grade 4 Biomes
Which statement about forests is NOT true?
  1. They provide a habitat for many organisms.
  2. They are a valuable resource.
  3. They release nutrients into the air.
  4. They release oxygen into the air.
Grade 4 Biomes
In which ecosystem would it rain less than 13 cm (5 in.) each year?
  1. pond
  2. rain forest
  3. desert
  4. coral reef
Grade 4 Biomes
Where do desert animals get their water?
  1. rain
  2. rivers
  3. humans
  4. food
Grade 4 Biomes
Why do the animals of the chaparral need plants?
  1. The plants are pretty.
  2. The plants provide food, water, and shelter.
  3. The animals can make new plants.
Grade 4 Biomes
Which habitat is NOT found in Virginia?
  1. forests
  2. mountains
  3. streams
  4. deserts
Grade 4 Biomes
In which ecosystem would you most likely find a salamander?
  1. wetlands
  2. open beach
  3. oak savanna
  4. foredunes
Grade 4 Biomes
In which ecosystem would you find the most animals?
  1. Eastern deciduous forest
  2. open beach
  3. wetlands
  4. foredunes
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