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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Biomes Questions

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Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
What biome can be very hot or cold and has very little rain?
  1. tundra
  2. desert
  3. savanna
  4. tropical rain forest
Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
What is a biome?
  1. something that is considered hazardous
  2. a small mushroom tree
  3. ecosystems with similar rainfall, temperature, and water depth
  4. the distance from the equator
Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
Biomes With Text Labels
Which statement is true about biomes?
  1. Desert is always located next to savanna.
  2. Steppe and tropical rainforest are both located along the equator.
  3. Taiga and tundra are both located in the northern hemisphere.
  4. Mediterranean vegetation covers the largest area.
Grade 6 Biomes
The vast frozen plains located near the Arctic Circle are called what?
  1. tundra.
  2. boreal forest.
  3. timberline.
  4. grasslands.
Grade 6 Biomes
What are the two types of tundra biomes?
  1. permafrost and extract
  2. arctic and alpine
  3. frozen and thawed
  4. covered and uncovered
Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
A biome where trees keep their leaves all year long is a
  1. grassland.
  2. tropical rainforest.
  3. deciduous forest.
  4. taiga.
Grade 6 Biomes
Grade 6 Biomes
Which biome has trees that stay green all year round and cold temperatures?
  1. coniferous forest
  2. tropical rain forest
  3. desert
  4. tundra
Grade 6 Biomes
Which climate most likely has the greatest variety of animals living in it?
  1. cold and dry
  2. warm and dry
  3. cold and moist
  4. warm and moist
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