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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Nuclear Chemistry Questions

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Grade 8 Nuclear Chemistry

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Grade 8 Nuclear Chemistry
What element half life is used to find the age of dinosaur fossils?
  1. Carbon-14
  2. Uranium-238
  3. Oxygen-21
  4. Potassium-40
Grade 8 Nuclear Chemistry
The three forms of radiation have different abilites to penetrate matter due to their
  1. different energy levels.
  2. distances they are able to travel.
  3. mass and charge.
  4. rates of decay.
Grade 8 Nuclear Chemistry
Which is not an advantage of a fusion reactor, as compared to a fission reactor?
  1. Less Accident Prone
  2. Easier to implement
  3. Lots of fuel available
  4. Less radioactive waste
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