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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Properties of Matter Questions

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Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which of the following has gone through a chemical change?
  1. torn paper
  2. chopped wood
  3. broken window
  4. cooking pancakes
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which is not an example of a chemical change?
  1. rust
  2. pollution
  3. melting
  4. toasted marshmallows
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which state of matter has particles packed tightly together?
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which is not an example of physical change?
  1. cutting
  2. toasted marshmallow
  3. freezing
  4. melting
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
In order to change matter from liquid to solid form                 has to occur.
  1. condensation
  2. freezing
  3. melting
  4. evaporation
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Matter takes up space, but doesn't have any mass.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
How much space an object takes up is its                .
  1. length
  2. area
  3. volume
  4. buoyancy
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
One day in the summer, Jaileen dropped her lip gloss in the driveway and it melted. Why did it melt?
  1. It was damaged.
  2. It ran out of energy.
  3. It absorbed too much heat.
  4. It dissolved in the warm air.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Mass, volume, texture, size, shape, color, state of matter, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float are all examples of
  1. states of matter.
  2. liquids.
  3. properties of matter.
  4. solids.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
                 is a physical change.
  1. Molding clay
  2. Scrambling eggs
  3. Popping popcorn
  4. Burning a candle
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Volume refers to the amount of space taken by matter.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
When heat is removed from water, it
  1. stays the same.
  2. freezes.
  3. evaporates.
  4. melts.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Matter that spreads out to fill its container is a
  1. gas.
  2. liquid.
  3. mass.
  4. solid.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Jose is oiling the wheels on his skateboard. He tries to wash the oil off his hands with only water, but nothing happens. What would happen if he added a few drops of dish soap?
  1. The oils would stick to his hands.
  2. The oil would change into a gas.
  3. The oil, water, and soap would form a solution.
  4. The soap would help break up the oil into smaller drops.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
What is matter?
  1. How much something weighs
  2. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  3. How something looks, feels, or acts
  4. How we classify plants
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which of these are properties of matter that can be measured?
  1. length
  2. volume
  3. temperature
  4. all of these
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Evaporation is a phase change from a                 to a                .
  1. gas; liquid
  2. liquid; gas
  3. solid; gas
  4. solid; liquid
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
You can observe and describe changes in the properties or materials of objects.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Density measures
  1. the amount of space an object takes up.
  2. how much matter is in a certain space.
  3. similar volume.
Grade 4 Properties of Matter
Which term describes physical substances that occupy space and have mass?
  1. liquid
  2. properties
  3. matter
  4. volume
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