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Third Grade (Grade 3) Rhymes Questions

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Grade 3 Rhymes
What word rhymes with tent?
  1. ten
  2. tenth
  3. spent
  4. lend
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with dump?
  1. dumb
  2. grump
  3. bum
  4. damp
Grade 3 Rhymes
Unscramble the following words:

kcdu      d          u          c          k     

cpku      p          u          c          k     

uklc      l          u          c          k     

kctu      t          u          c          k     

stukc      s          t          u          c          k     

bkuc      b          u          c          k     

kutrc      t          r          u          c          k     

kcucl      c          l          u          c          k     
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with snake?
  1. shake
  2. tack
  3. plate
  4. smack
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word is in the -ack family?
  1. think
  2. track
  3. trace
  4. plank
Grade 3 Rhymes
Choose the word that rhymes with sand.
  1. fund
  2. band
  3. bend
  4. send
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with hit?
  1. him
  2. bit
  3. sat
  4. wet
Grade 3 Rhymes
What word rhymes with ball?
  1. bell
  2. well
  3. wall
  4. tell
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with fill?
  1. bell
  2. will
  3. sell
  4. well
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with frog?
  1. log
  2. tag
  3. drag
  4. fan
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with zoom?
  1. zoo
  2. boo
  3. room
  4. hoop
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with boy?
  1. joy
  2. bay
  3. say
  4. ray
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word does NOT rhyme with "shoe"?
  1. overdue
  2. blue
  3. glue
  4. toe
  5. threw
  6. zoo
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word does not rhyme with years?
  1. fears
  2. steers
  3. bears
  4. nears
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word does NOT rhyme with wave.
  1. brave
  2. save
  3. have
  4. cave
Grade 3 Rhymes
Which word does NOT rhyme with near?
  1. ear
  2. dear
  3. pear
  4. hear
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