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First Grade (Grade 1) Rhymes Questions

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Grade 1 Rhymes
  1. Christmas - Stocking - Small
  2. Christmas - Tree - Small
  3. Christmas - Bell - Small
  4. Christmas - Snowman - Small
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that rhymes with cow.
  1. see
  2. how
  3. cat
  4. two
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that best completes the rhyme.

The                 in the house.
  1. rat
  2. mouse
  3. dog
  4. hamster
Grade 1 Rhymes

What word rhymes with this?
  1. hurt
  2. less
  3. boat
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word does NOT rhyme with "match"?
  1. batch
  2. latch
  3. catch
  4. lunch
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that DOES NOT rhyme with the others.
  1. sent
  2. friend
  3. bend
  4. lend
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word rhymes with SING?
  1. sand
  2. ring
  3. bear
  4. shell
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that DOES NOT rhyme with the others.
  1. heard
  2. bird
  3. word
  4. wind
Grade 1 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with dog?
  1. hit
  2. cot
  3. log
  4. tag
Grade 1 Rhymes

What rhymes with this?
  1. cat
  2. cop
  3. can
Grade 1 Rhymes
Which words are in the "-ap" word family?
  1. Man, Can, Van
  2. Wig, Big, Pig
  3. Pit, Hit, Wit
  4. Map, Cap, Trap
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that best completes the rhyme.

The                 in the dish
  1. frog
  2. fish
  3. milk
  4. water
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that best completes the rhyme.

The                 in the pen
  1. hen
  2. pig
  3. goat
  4. turkey
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word does NOT rhyme with "tea"?
  1. flea
  2. pea
  3. sea
  4. needy
Grade 1 Rhymes

What rhymes with this?
  1. mess
  2. fresh
  3. dream
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word rhymes with "cat"?
  1. dog
  2. bat
  3. ride
  4. car
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word rhymes with mitten?
  1. Sock
  2. Cat
  3. Kitten
  4. Door
Grade 1 Rhymes
Choose the word that DOES NOT rhyme with the others.
  1. match
  2. fetch
  3. batch
  4. catch
Grade 1 Rhymes
What word does NOT rhyme with "sad"?
  1. day
  2. bad
  3. lad
  4. plaid
Grade 1 Rhymes
Which two words are rhyming words?
  1. Can and Cat
  2. Quack and Quick
  3. Fit and Hit
  4. Pig and
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