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Second Grade (Grade 2) Rhymes Questions

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Grade 2 Rhymes
What word rhymes with dog?
  1. leg
  2. log
  3. big
  4. beg
Grade 2 Rhymes
Rhyming words end with the same                .
  1. sound
  2. letter
  3. consonant
  4. vowel
Grade 2 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with shoe?
  1. dove
  2. due
  3. couch
  4. book
Grade 2 Rhymes
What word rhymes with "tanned"?
  1. wanted
  2. padded
  3. band
Grade 2 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with the word below?

  1. lid
  2. lip
  3. lap
Grade 2 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with TALK?
  1. tent
  2. star
  3. chalk
  4. tack
Grade 2 Rhymes
Choose the words that rhyme with dump.
  1. bump
  2. dumb
  3. grump
  4. lump
Grade 2 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with the word below?

  1. high
  2. friend
  3. hurry
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm something that sails on the ocean. I rhyme with lip.
  1. yacht
  2. boat
  3. grip
  4. ship
Grade 2 Rhymes
Which word rhymes with the word below?

  1. food
  2. noon
  3. too
Grade 2 Rhymes
Choose the word that best completes the rhyme.

The                 on the log
  1. fish
  2. turtle
  3. bird
  4. frog
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm what a mouse does with cheese. I rhyme with dribble.
  1. nibble
  2. bite
  3. snack
  4. scribble
Grade 2 Rhymes
Choose the word that best completes the rhyme.

The                 in the chair
  1. bear
  2. cat
  3. dog
  4. turtle
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm a grassy place around a house. I rhyme with card.
  1. starred
  2. park
  3. yard
  4. sidewalk
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm a large group of people. I rhyme with loud.
  1. group
  2. crowd
  3. cloud
  4. mob
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm a coin in the United States. I rhyme with time.
  1. lime
  2. quarter
  3. nickel
  4. dime
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm a large meal. I rhyme with beast.
  1. buffet
  2. leased
  3. dinner
  4. feast
Grade 2 Rhymes
You use me in the snow. I rhyme with red.
  1. ski
  2. sled
  3. bed
  4. gloves
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm the beginning of the day. I rhyme with on.
  1. morning
  2. dawn
  3. sunrise
  4. fawn
Grade 2 Rhymes
I'm a marine mammal. I rhyme with eel.
  1. walrus
  2. sea lion
  3. seal
  4. feel
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