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First Grade (Grade 1) The Americas Questions

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Grade 1 Latin America and Caribbean
Mark all of the things that Aztec priests COULDN'T do.
  1. Cut their hair
  2. Cut their fingernails
  3. Take a bath
  4. Preform sacrifices
  5. Clean the black soot off their faces
Grade 1 Latin America and Caribbean
Who were three of the earliest civilizations in America?
                           Maya                             (Cities in the Jungle)
                           Aztec                             (Cities in the Lake)
                           Inca                             (Cities in the Clouds)
Grade 1 The Americas
The Aztecs had sacrifices to make sure what thing would happen each day?
Grade 1 The Americas
List 5 foods Mayan people ate.
Grade 1 The Americas
If an Aztec woman wore her hair in "horns" what did that mean?
Grade 1 Latin America and Caribbean
What does Machu Picchu mean?
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