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US Laws and Amendments Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 US Laws and Amendments
What is the Bill of Rights?
  1. The beginning statement of the US Constitution
  2. The first ten amendments to the US Constitution
  3. The system that makes sure that the executive, legislative, and judicial branches share power equally.
  4. All twenty seven amendments that have been added to the US constitution.
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
What amendment gives criminals the right to remain silent?
  1. 14th Amendment
  2. 8th Amendment
  3. 5th Amendment
  4. 1st Amendment
Grade 5 US Laws and Amendments
What is the beginning of the U.S. Constitution called?
  1. The Beginning
  2. The Preamble
  3. Opening Paragraph
  4. Star Spangled Banner
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
The                                              Act made it so that agencies could not spend more than had been appropriated.
  1. Antideficiency
  2. Administrative Procedure
  3. Consolidated Appropriations
  4. Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
Which amendment protects criminals from cruel and unusual punishments?
  1. 4th Amendment
  2. 6th Amendment
  3. 14th Amendment
  4. 8th Amendment
Grade 5 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Who has the power to pardon or commute sentences for state crimes?
  1. state governor
  2. state supreme court
  3. speaker of the house
  4. state attorney general
Grade 3 US Laws and Amendments
Who is responsible for creating a compromise if the two chambers of Congress pass different versions of a bill?
  1. the Senate
  2. the president
  3. the conference committee
  4. the House of Representatives
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 12 US Laws and Amendments
What amendment gives criminals the right to have a lawyer?
  1. 8th Amendment
  2. 5th Amendment
  3. 6th Amendment
  4. 14th Amendment
Grade 11 US Laws and Amendments
Which amendment requires police officers to get a warrant?
  1. 5th Amendment
  2. 6th Amendment
  3. 3rd Amendment
  4. 4th Amendment
Grade 7 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 4 US Laws and Amendments
What is the supreme law of the land called?
  1. Tacos
  2. Supreme Law
  3. Constitution
  4. President's Say
Grade 5 US Laws and Amendments
The first 10 amendments are known as what?
  1. things
  2. laws
  3. Bill of Rights
Grade 6 US Laws and Amendments
The first three words to the Preamble of the United States Constitution are
  1. We the Nation
  2. We We We, all the way home
  3. We the People
  4. Discover the People
Grade 11 US Laws and Amendments
What did the 26th Amendment do?
  1. Gave women the right to vote.
  2. Gave black men the right to vote.
  3. Made the voting age 18.
  4. Made senators popularly elected.
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