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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) US Laws and Amendments Questions

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Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
A change or addition to a bill is known as a what?
  1. veto
  2. article
  3. conference
  4. amendment
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
What agency is in charge of the census?
  1. U.S. Postal Service
  2. U.S. Census Bureau
  3. Internal Revenue Service
  4. Social Security Administration
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Which is a right or freedom from the First Amendment?
  1. Right to vote
  2. Right to bear arms
  3. Right to avoid taxes
  4. Right to free exercise of religion
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Which of the following would not be protected by the First Amendment?
  1. Criticizing government officials on a television talk show.
  2. Promoting ideas that many Americans oppose in a political campaign.
  3. Falsely crying "Fire" in a crowded theater.
  4. Discussing controversial issues in a social studies class.
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech."
  1. Amendment 1
  2. Amendment 4
  3. Amendment 7
  4. Amendment 9
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
The Bill of Rights is part of the
  1. Proclamation of 1763
  2. Declaration of Independence
  3. Articles of Confederation
  4. Constitution of the United States
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
The Fourth Amendment protects people and their property from
  1. unreasonable searches
  2. double jeopardy
  3. self-incrimination
  4. due process of law
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Where is the original Constitution today?
  1. Texas
  2. Mexico
  3. Washington D.C
  4. none of the above
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
The "Miranda warning" reminds people who are arrested for a crime that they have the right to
  1. demand a retrial if they are found guilty
  2. choose the judge who will set their bail.
  3. questions witnesses during their trial.
  4. remain silent and not answer questions.
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
Excessive bail shall not be required.
  1. Amendment 2
  2. Amendment 10
  3. Amendment 8
  4. Amendment 1
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
The Ninth Amendment says that rights not listed in the Constitution
  1. can be added to it later.
  2. belong to the people.
  3. do not exist legally.
  4. are not very important.
Grade 8 US Laws and Amendments
When each branch of government holds control over the other two branches
  1. checks and balances
  2. separation of powers
  3. federalism
  4. republicanism
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